
Puts my soul in.

I am wondering when someone says "I love or like that person," is it to say I like the state of mind, heart that that person puts my soul in?

So when someone puts you in a state of hate is it not your responsibility to get yourself out of that environment rather than hurting another in rebound?

Marriage puts persons in a state where one or the other or both are held captive by the society, what's left to do? I am sure you all know the answer; its either the society or your marriage that gets out the door.

By the way have you heard the sound of the words? Marr-i-age , husband - hassle bound, wife - strife? Negative right? Well so is luring people into believing in something to multiply the populace. Religious leaders and government parastatals should mind the manner in which they breed people into and for war.

When a friend of mine told me that she received a letter from her government that she has clocked 31 and still not married my heart sunk even further into despair for women. How nice it is for a governing ministry to undermine their women and call singles a liability, then putting in  tax rebate policies as a method of persuasion into marriage. Twits for minds are in governing positions and the people love them. Father save us all.

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