
Shoot a 3score goal in one.

If this ain't a donk but footballers suck at having fun and being entertaining. Can they shoot a 3score goal in one shot? Hat tricks ain't as cool as a slam dunk hehe Osas why you quiet?

My favourite game apart from basketball was what we used to call Team, where 2 groups of team mates would pull and draw each other to the other side and who had the strongest build would get to the post of the other and of course I always won 󾌩 my classmates are here they wouldn't let me lie. The only time I had issues with being bigger than my mates was when it came to relationships with guys, sorry to say most were wooses and dwarfs next to me. Never too hard felt about that as being a  happy go lucky girl made me more of a G and I got to roll with the guys where girls weren't invited haha but at 13-16 a girl like me wasn't really interested in boys especially after having a crush that turned out to be a prank by the seniors at school.

Except for my childhood and youth days I don't really know nor do I get close to women and the older I get the harder it is on a personal level, on a professional level I have no qualms. Sorry but this may come across as a low blow but I am scared of African women and I am sure that the strong African women that I have got to know Temidayo, Ruth and Patience also feel the same. I mean I know I am hard on men but with women I say clear because the fact that our African men are stupid makes most African women not a nice lot to hang with, and yes maybe the fact that I stand out makes that all the more harder, not that I feel bad about it, less hassle and it's grown worse with the advent of having to have had a daft x sister in law who clearly doesn't know what's good for her and her brother. Though luck.

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