
Companionship in mutual dreams

Companionship/camaraderie isn't found in sex but in mutual interchangeable dreams. Should the dreams come true, faith is found.

When a man is busy distracted by the noise from bloodsuckers for family members it's either the wife wonders to another's arms or focuses on her mission.
Where does one stop to love?
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  • Ibanga Daniel Enwenwen The solution is in a man being committed to, confiding in and consulting in his wife as an equal partner in their union, without ego usually characterized in African men
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  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie If men have been made to believe that a woman is evil/wayward from the stories of the genesis Adam and Eve's temptation by the serpent in its literal meaning rather than an objective view to what a serpent means "self and others denial" where then do the ignorant draw the line?

    People who have a purpose in their lives seldom need anyone spoken to them, those who are swayed from their homes are usually unhappy with themselves and projected on an innocent party who seeks to draw them back together.

    Parents who are unhappy with themselves and in their "union" usually destroy the homes of their kids and when kids are told to honour their parents there is a difference between listening and hearing what they say.

    Mothers who make handbags of their daughters often use them to break their brothers home. If a girl doesn't fight her parents she ends up loosing her brothers. 

    Boys who listen to their fathers pain end up being distrustful of women forgetting that as a rule men are blame pushers (nurtured attitude to a none-comital state of mind which makes men wanderers) most boys are left in the dark when it comes to family affairs for the sake of providing, however that is not an excuse to say a girl is bad because she is being persuasive towards being together. Men hate mundane day today activities and see it beneath them when asked to even cook when she is busy taking care of things around the house not to talk of when she is working.
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  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie The supposed keepers of faith who murdered the Knight Templars who protected the body of Christ did mess up the bible and its meanings because the innate nurture of men is cultured to be lazy as the bosoms of their mothers gives them the notion of comfort. The bosom of a mother means passing on their pain just as much joy to boys. 

    Ever wonder why mothers are usually at war with their daughters? That's because women aren't easily manipulated into hating their fathers except the fathers show examples of neglect that proves what their mothers try to tell. Rivalry between fathers and sons happens for the same reasons but all those revelations come only when the child enters into marriage and again there the parties who are playing in the game are trying to justify their actions through the kids, hence it is stated that children need to consciously cut off the umbilical cord "ideas of their ancestors" in order to be born into their own lives.
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  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie The fear of abandonment by parents of then who have nothing but their kids as an assurance for a safe old age is what propelled and still propels parents in the underdeveloped world to manipulate their kids while married.
    Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Respond and I will reply, react and I will provoke. An eye for an eye. Loads of people don't know the difference between how to talk and how to speak, and very few knew how to express/project knowledge from the bibles. And of course there are the wicked who use it for their own gain.
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