
Forces of Don Quixote.

The Game of Business: Entrepreneurial mindset

It’s a game where you become the coach of your dream. Do You have your players, all with technical skills and in different physical condition? Service Lines, Marketing, operations: Do You have to plan training: fitness, defence, passing, goal, plays, etc..

Have You taken into account the ages of your players. Participate in a league where the other teams have their own coaches like you. Think of the lineup, the game plan, possible changes, analyze the opponent, the injured, the accumulation of cards, etc..

You are the coach, but you are the owner of the team and therefore have to seek to win your matches, move up a division, to be champion, etc, but take care of business. You have your stadium, Should we expand? You have to keep your fans happy and your sponsors, that after all are the ones who will generate revenue to pay the salary of your players, coaches, assistants, doctors. Maybe you want to put into operation the basic forces, but this has a cost, and prepare a good player? Put it in the transfer market. Need a good central means, but do not have enough $ $ $? You can request a loan. In conclusion, you have to make the team financially viable, taking into account income, expenses and business purpose. Trading isn't business its a transaction!
Don Quixote - the hunter.

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