
A view to life.

In my Faith i do not objectify but embrace the network of all things and beings as one working together to create a picture called life. All current religions are of subjective approach when studied or followed separately. To find the middle earth one embraces to distinguish whats appropriate to use in different situations or times.

If one pursues any subject, vehemently ignoring or not caring that there are others around, then a one sided view/movement leads to painting the world in one colour. Most humans in order to feel fulfilled  choose a path, yet fail to thread it well to its best consciousness. Until we all stop seeing things just from one angle war for peace will continue.

Going through the knowledge of each faith i have seen that each sector is promoting "A" way of life to keep their identity in order to survive within an environment or amidst a certain kind of people/culture! We are all competing against what is or was better rather than just enjoin ones choice and respecting the choices of others. In appreciating the works of others we will get to the point of understanding that we are all at different times plying a part in a picture called life. I have come across older people who tell me "do your own thing and be the best at it"; Identity is what ultimately each individual is seeking, finding meaning in life and what is one's purpose in it!

To respect is to appreciate something or someone in a positive perspective but what if what one is being shoved is violating ones life? Would accepting a view with fear not tyranny?

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