
Every judgement is subjective!

Life records all kinds of achievements, most times we count how many we havnt reached. Does that mean that earlier records then become meaningless? Of course not. Every day is an achievement, It may not have surpassed what someone else has done, and it may not have reached the goal you had set for yourself - but it was and still is a new high for you, and it is certainly worth celebrating.

Do not allow yourself to feel lessened because your achievement wasn't as big as you wanted it to be. You have plenty of time to get where you want to be and you will if you keep going. An error is only an indication of a wrong path or thought that needs revision to apply it to the next step, after all remixes have made previously dull records into a hit, well there are some that should be left in their original state, it isn’t a wrong doing, except it is messing with someones memory! If you were to foresee you would make the right step “a song that lasts for eternity, ever young"! Every judgement is subjective!

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