
One mind, many skills.

Most times Investing is Saving!

Today I was talking to someone and he asked me a question! "Do you have regrets?" I said "no" he proceeded to make a conclusion "then you want to say you are a super woman?!?" I said "no I aint" but I never fail to rectify my mistakes as soon as I realise and I can make amends"

We can't avoid making mistakes, but we can avoid living in its regrets and its memories.

I have often wondered why in a world full of fear, one is still persuaded into confidence! Should one then presume there is too much false perceptions?

Fire can Burn but it also keeps you warm when respecting its power! Taking "Caution" shouldn't be blown out of proportion! being crazy is also a method of survival against those who put up a mask of looking good yet erode your faith.

In the bid to protect and defend, the triggers of risk is used to protect secrets!

Promises and pampering alone leads no one to no where! I know to many who had little and made much, and too many who had much but couldn't make up little! Its not what you have its what you want to do with what you have that counts! Lease if you can't buy!

Life is not easy for those who wish yet do nothing in pursuit! You learn from the past, from today! You Look at the present, to make your future better!

on the funny side of life:
Today at 10pm the FB satellite will be flying over to sensor all active users. You must stand on your roof in your underwear and wave a flag at the plane while doing the Azonto. If you do not like this message an alien will come down and slap you with a fish. It works don't forget to dance Azonto or even Yahoozeeh......... No be only una sabi broadcast Robins… :)

"That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg, use the science of strong points."

"You may advance and be absolutely irresistible if you make for an opponents weak points; you may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those you play against." Women were stopped from working because men will become lazy, some men are too small minded to yield leadership in people. What is the balance? Tests try the willing.

"An person may march great distances without distress if it marches through a country where there are no obstacles. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places that are undefended. You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked. That general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack." the art of war revised.

Competitors analysis shows opportunities paths! What's the need to agravate your competitor by doing the same thing, if what you should focus is a different method to same problem which puts you to be envied! On the field bad opponents use ugly tactics with the aim at clearing you off the game, be smarter and know how to jump the hurdles.

If all your wishes came true in one day? Do you have the capacity to handle everything and not loose? The human brain works in compartments! There are too many abandoned projects that need  support!

You can procrastinate all you want! Have strategies all you want! But its the action that produces facts that leads you to the next step! How do you know what people will respond to if you don't offer or say a word?

Nature has no qualms with diversity! It hosts all colors all things, all nations! Only people can't seem to coexist with each other! If only they realized they themselves isolate themselves by segregating! Could that also be a deliberate choice? Then why the policies that divide nations that destroys families?

Change focus from efficiency to effectiveness, not just from "how we do things" to "what things we do", from "making the new way faster" to "complement the old way".

Think of processes as "what happens to things", not "what things happen".

Entreprenurial performance is compared to that of life performance!

If your market is taking its time, harras it! It dosnt know why it Ned's you! If they have it all create scarsity by increasing your price! If they satisfied, create a craving!

Your creation paves a path for tomorrows travelers! Make their journey as fun as possible!

When one is growing up, one goes through life's events that clouds the conscious and stores the experiences as emotions in the subconscious. If people dig deep rather than run from re-experiencing things in the mind they will be healed. Experience develops shock absorbers some don't wake up at all from those experiences! One must go through bumps to be rugged! Life is about survival! Experiences make you conscious of it!

Bad education leads to systems collapse! Choosing the wrong career based on what you've been told/forced rather than following your hearts calling creates an even more disaster both to self and others, as pride in what you do leads to professionalism and marks success.

Don't be afraid to be broken! Sometimes we have to fall apart before we can put the pieces back together in a new and better way!

I have long realised that when we get mad at people, we are actually carrying their load! And the karma stays with us rather than releasing it back to where it belongs! I am only responsible for what I do to myself and those around me only if they speak up! What others do don't affect me beyond the moment of my experiencing it!

In anything commit to what people say they will do, not to discussions of possibilities!

Plans not goals get thwarted, plans coming through are dependent on circumstances, but goals are chivied on vision! Set goals as they transform into plans. This way as one goes along the road it wouldn't matter the hurdles, they get completed if one wants it bad enough and willing to put the effort! A plan is like a map, there are different routs, and following a path based on others findings have missing guidelines, following things to the book can be misleading as not all facts are recorded, why? how many people read/understand the book of genesis?

Ask and you shall receive - what's your dream, tell me and you will receive an answer.

We always feel bad & think that good things happen only to “others”, forgetting that we are “those” for someone else.

Givers never lack - one can not shake hands with a clenched fist, clap and stump your feet! :)

Boasting about your accomplishments may not earn you many friends, but keeping quiet about your talents won't help you either.

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.

No one tries to fail. Sometimes the magic of success is not in trying to succeed. Many of us try so hard and fail, because we strain our minds rather than just play! There is an artificial environment that is created called pressure, mainly from our unreal expectations of one self, although the roots start developing long before we are conscious. Would life be interesting if there were no hurdles? No. But then we also know that we create more than life had initially intended. The mind is as strong as it is vulnerable! You will fall as deep as you soar! All one needs is to bounce back and that should be with real time projections/expectations. Play with your time, but not with people's lives or time, this is the only area you need to be serious with!

Everyone falls in different ways! People don't fall only in finance, but emotionally and pcyhologically. Money was invented so it can't be taken or given! How you use finance is an indication of success, not how much you have! Because we have many who have it, yet dont know how to use it! Your mind body and soul are the only 3 things that are tested! Everything elce is as a result of it; both success and perceived failures! I don't Beileive in failures I believe in experiences! 

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