
Viagra or Sport?

Love yourself, Flirt with your understanding, Romance with dreams, Get engaged with simplicity, Marry geniuses, Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life

Most people can't handle themselves let alone managing another person.

Solomon was not known to have orthodox methods for teaching or judging "making decisions" matters.

would you know what to do if I met a 'pure' woman?
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why men like women? 
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What makes loneliness an anguish is not that (you) have no one to share (your) burden, but this: (You) have only your own burden to bear. Dag Hammarskjold (UN Sec. Gen. 1953- 1961). Is loneliness a product of boredom or ennui?.
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Why does a relationship between opposite sexes move smoothly until sex come in between? 
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Why does the idea of "controlling" a woman seem so important to so many men?
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  • Eniosu Osayimwen likes this.
  • Eniosu Osayimwen I feel it is to do with going against the average woman's aim of wanting to control her man. We have to admit that when it comes to "control", women aim for it much more than men.
  • Evans Oseki it`s for their own good! Ask Alsu!
  • Eniosu Osayimwen AlsuEvans say na you be expert on such o!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie They see women as a posession, which is an instinkt that developed through mother! We are basicly animals and teritorial instincts kick in for mating! Tell me which man after the woman has reached menopause is as protective of her as he was when at youth?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Mother has an authority, she is seen as a person, she can be however she likes but not the wife! Wife must fit the picture of his mother. The mothers also perpetuate this cos mother is possessive, fearing her child will be swayed away from her care to danger! Again animal instincts to protect! It further goes worse cos we live in a material world, and kids were brought up to care for them at old age! Oyinbo has created pension as a system to make adults not load on kids the burden, as kids are meant to be born for pleasure and social belonging!

why SEX is good with an EX? ooooppppssss...not my EX but your EX! 
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Why do we fall in love so easy even when it's not right? 
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What's love really got to do with it? 
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how would one live if there is nothing like money? 
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why do people hate, or are they angry? i wish to understand the nature "root" of hate.
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Why the fuss about performance-enhancing drugs in sports and no whisper on the use of Viagra?.
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  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie both are artificial stimulators, one is for subjective use but has no harm and brings physical pleasure to both but has an after effect where it damages the esteem of the man not able to perform without it. while the other is opportunistic and greedy of gain at the expence of the other. sport is not just about strength but honour towards your opponent, as well as to both situations can have a bad turnout health wise when abused. so sports men die as a result of not knowing how much their heart can take. in sex no one is responsible for your actions, in sport it should be banned. even the heavy weight lifters or body builders have guidelines for its use.
  • Chris Odua I thought they were both sports, at least that was the impression we got when our erstwhile maximal leader lost his life from an overdose of viagra while trying to do the double dutch on two asian damsels.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Samson had had his end hehehe. i remember i just came in Nigeria in March 98 and he was still in power, then his passing and the jubilation on the streets. before his death i looked at depressed faces, and then a hurray and smiles galore, i am sure the rulers of today still are in shok to see what will happen to the memory of them if they choose to be the jokers of their time. does anyone even remember him? he has become a mortal. Nigeria is saved, the lord works in mysterious ways. cant hide my disgust at ugly hearted people, id rather die than stand one.
  • Jeff Sob If Sex is a sport, with your partner the opponent, then you're guilty as charged.
  • Ernest Brisibe @Alsu, viagra has no harm??????
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie it has i didnt say it dosnt, its just limted to the individual.
  • James Clarke Sex isn't an Olympic Sport yet? I bet Viagra would be banned if it was
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie hahahhahahahahahahaha James i am going to be hospitalised because of you.

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