
Justice to Da citizens.

The name Ju-da-s means Justice to the supposed Gentiles "Justice to Da citizens", in the bid to try helping people leaders are often attacked and persecuted by people who have what to hide. Human beings prefer common ways, hence knowledge is often hidden. When someone offers alternatives to coexistence people would rather prefer peace. The sign of Victory ✌ is symbolic to waging war. When men talk of peace they wage war and vice versa, only the meanings are hidden subliminally.

What are the intentions of men who propose solutions in the quiet rather than being open? To take advantage of situations. What good have the churches that are spread all over the lands given to people? they'd rather take in return for lies due to peoples unwillingness to search or hear the truth and hunt those who offered light. We have seen over the corse of history that politicians have turned into tyrants in order to discipline people with bloodshed in some cases it happens as a rebound where the recent outbursts of violence in various places in the world by kids gunning kids surface or a community taking out their frustrations on a few.

Jesus scattering the church wasn't done by him but by people who realised they had been manipulated but made one man pay the price.

Men like to be deceived hence we see what has been happening through neglect of each other as people to people. Talks of soul to soul is strange in the world of men, tears are considered lies and a weakness yet when suppressed results in violence, abuse etc compassion is considered weakness except done in moments of dire need, so people starve people of affection, which stands symbolically for the 2 thieves who were supposedly crucified next to Jesus, they were actually rubbers of souls of the church, with that mayhem started in the society hence the calamities that lead to the enforcement of law as people became disillusioned.

The book of revelations is the book of genesis intertwined,  everything in between are stories "teachings" from a number of persons lives and situations that constantly reveal to every body different massages at different times or specifics "facts" in moments, hence 2 people can read the same thing but get different interpretations, should people know how to uncover facts everything becomes one, the unfortunate thing is that it doesn't click at once as loads of things are hidden by manipulating minds hence to achieve justice "giving answers/solutions" takes a longer period. People are not robots and even a robot will omit certain moments which are buried emotions "intentions" meaning what leads anyone to do what they do. Who is often irrelevant at start, it is the what and how that uncovers the truth and even that isn't often complete.

To be patient is to pay attention, not the meaning of to wait, although to wait is a way of saying give certain things time to reveal themselves as not everyone has the capacity to absorb the truth at once.
Certain persons can see beyond their years or situations and some can't.

In the medical world when it comes to the definition of long sighted and short sighted has a physiological and psychological meaning. Those who have experienced much at young age usually develop either a short temperament or a painstaking nature.

We often ask ourselves in reference to others choices "why waste so much time" well there are consequences to taking action and inaction; standing in motion.

If you have a look in the video that was made of the event for the youth, I mentioned saying not the right time, that means not everyone is ready, it didn't mean that I am not ready, hence the need in taking everyone along the journey gradually.
On there I have people who just joined and they needed to be included in the process/journey which is why it seems like a never ending story.

In business it is the same evolving cycle that explicates words to sounds for people to see beyond what's initially designed visually or otherwise. Most people are afraid to go deep as they fear to get lost but swimming in shallow waters is what I know lets people down.
In the bible it is said when thou fasts put on a joyful face, when thou in the spirit one often crys as it hurts bad to acquire knowledge from the heavens.

To call Judas is to call for separation of issues; the meaning of justice. To call Jesus is to ask for explanation, however the result is that when one proposes an explanation "point of view" which may not be totally objective "as certain attributes/facts aren't available" which could be resources and space for exploration, information is incomplete or minds aren't ready to absorb, reactive positions of certain persons become either violent hence to seas and desist is necessary in order to come back renewed and ready for defence.

In environments where change is demanded people are not ready so leaders tend to keep quiet which is where tyrants take over to teach the lazy a lesson. When people cry out for help they should be ready to accept a part in pursuing their goals, sitting and waiting makes all works useless, which is why I come rough and perfect things as I go. If people are expecting glitz and glamour at start they usually get rubbed off and in there lay the danger.

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