
Guilt of misjudgement.

People gladly look for someone to place their guilt of misjudgement on, there are those who can live with having someone else pay their debts and there are those who can't.

a thief is only a thief when he continues. why does the society keep sending him/her back into the same hole. why dont we give forgiveness and allow a person to repent ie be born again from the spirit and then into flesh?
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  • Chibuzo F. Opara He must hv done it severally b4 d arrest. Some change yl in prison. 
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie so condemnation is the solution? does it have to be in a lockdown environments? how about rehabilitation facilities? as they say a sin is a sin if there are available centres where they can come to redeem themselves through various skill acquisition environs, cos since the righteous create the laws they should be guardians of it as well and not through a stick, wouldnt that be better?
  • Chibuzo F. Opara I know dat SA has something with dat shape but i dont know how wide. Artisans and tradesmen dat misbehave and land in prisons, what skills wld they need 2 acquire? Governance? Reformation shld b 4 those dat need it.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Every body goes through a need for reformation. even a PHD holder has to adjust to shifts, how much more those who had fallen. Self governance is the first reason many val through the cracks. also the ideology that many in africa carry is that of I need to be a lawyer or and engineer or a doctor to be respected, meanwhile the wite man is a mason, locksmith, welder, security man etc. if in africa we have made our kids belive that sport, dance,music is for low lifes how come they are the biggest money makers? if people are choosing to serve each other what is the foundation? a complete social reorientation on what a career is all about is needed.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie as much as the SA government is doing for their youth, companies need to understand that to sustain themselves they need to invest in other areas of skill. an oil company approached me to talk to them, they said that the youth in delta are vandalising their pipes cos they dont have alternative work areas. nigeria and Africa dont believe in self investment.
  • Chibuzo F. Opara Dats true we need re-orientation here. We believe in certificates, though many of us cant defend d them. But it shldnt b an xcuse 2 commit crimes.
    Tell d oil company to raise their social responsibility bar. Invest in vocational training of d youths. If they sponsor, d rate of vandalisation wld drop.
  • Chris Odua The law is not capable of forgiveness because by the law, we are all guilty, but Christ has given us the grace by which we are sanctified, forgiven and redeemed. If you accept Christ as your lord and saviour, all your guilt and sins are washed away and you become a new man, you'll find peace because He is the prince of peace, even if you're in prison.
  • Mudia David Osazuwa Alsu,u are 2 sentimental,even those that become so called born again,dont/cant change,some are just born thieves,and the stolen money is never used to better themselves or family,but used for frivilous things,women,alcohol etc
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Mudia sentimental ke lol i am looking for ways to put them into building the factories as a method of payback for what they took from who they stole hehehehehe. we could do that to the bad polititians rather than create coups lol physical work repents people lol, its also same as with the death penalty if it exists it makes the bad guys go worse knowing they wouldnt come out alive any way.
  • Kwaku Apau Repentance,forgiveness,salvation etc can't be forced on a thief/sinner, its a matter of choice. If the
    society forces a thief into a church he/she might steal from the house of God.So the best
    is to force a thief into the hole n maybe force a church on him/her.

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