
Whispers be wise.

A snake is considered a wise creature, it whispers yet people deam it to be evil, one for its physical attributes ie having venom, I'd ask what do people consider venom? That which they were made to believe which could be a lie or as mentioned before self denial or if a person listens to the soothing sounds maybe they will hear the truth? Those whom one disturbs is often labeled as a snake.

The process of old skin shedding is a symbol of renewal, the medical practitioners have placed it as a sign not just for play sake. Those who practice medicine know the use of their trade to kill or to save? Same it is with the legal practitioners. The judges hammer is in making hard decisions people wouldn't make before seeking advice. Yes lawyers are a crooked bunch but who settles the disputes? Before going to seek judgement set your intentions and facts right or one may loose their livelihood.

People prefer the monkey as that is more entertaining, yet it is known for its greed and craftiness.

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