
Adopt what colour.

Regardless of the propagated belief that communism banned religion, it would help to get that information straight, that religion was given a place and raising a nation of peasants, which is what Russia was before Communism came in. If you all look around what's going on in Nigeria today and countries that religiousness dominates is that it has made people docile and the leaders of those countries carnal. Faith exists in the heart of those individuals who aspire to reach a goal. So when religion or cultural rules exist to keep people subservient usually it yields nothing but an even worse effect. When a people are ill informed there is no way but going down hill. Throwing propaganda about countries by banking on the ignorant "lazy to search for the truth" people makes for a bad PR in return to those countries. Today we can all count how many wars were set based by those who covet the houses of another. Serbia today is barely recovering from the wars, Ukraine is in disarray, the former soviet states are in terrible economic and cultural "ethic" conditions. I wonder what the supposed fab 5 countries are doing by being oblivious about a simple fact that they are just as strong as the weakest link.

I watch a lot of historical documentaries on wars that were waged especially when it comes to the Russian history and it is quite evident that many have eyes towards the region. I am sure Russians don't mind holding on to the iron curtain view, just as the Germans and Dutch. Being hard and heavy sure keeps one protected from looters. However the Arians shouldn't forget that just as they maybe protective of their borders they shouldn't be ignorant of brewing internal revolts due to an oppressive atmosphere. Illusions are dangerous games to play, whereas a chameleon knows when to adopt what colour in order to thrive.

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