
Lakers vs Sonics

The Why? Movement Forum.
I) Critical thinking (and asking "why?") requires dialogue: this is among the central ideas through which many of the other guidelines can be understood. Monologue does not encourage or inspire dialogue, nor does it inspire critical thought. Dialogue, in essence, requires expressing and listening to opinions. Thus, refrain from excessive attempts to advance a monologue.

Originally written in The Atlantic by Lisa Mundy Women are becoming better and better educated...
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  • Sasmito Yudha Husada likes this.
  • Zoe Williams bcoz once women have totally equal rights, femenistrs wont have anythng left to fight for...and sadly a lot of people simply want to fight for SOMETHING, as long as they are fighting....
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie they may just have realised they are women???
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i am not saying this to take away the good that feminists have made. 

    i am a strong woman in my home town, most men are intimidated by my stance. i am considered a feminist smile emoticon, back home because i advocate for women and family development i have learn
    t to be tactical over the years, i dealt with men head to head, but over time i did realise there is a badder way to deal with this. and bad i mean Style, 

    in the african context i am considered beautiful and at every point i have men looking for gratis, lol all i simply do is say if you know that you cant satisfy me, dont disturb me, that kills a boner for many. so sexual harassment dosnt even begin to write a book where a woman knows who she is. 

    men enjoy taunting women who arnt strong and smart and free with themselves, a woman is not weak, and survival does not choose between a P or a D, so one might as well forget what fairness is.

    in my course of working before i started my company i worked for a huge construction company, most bosses were Germans, and Most workers were of course the natives. i was head HR and still practice it. i had to teach a guy and the management a lesson, he approached in hiding, i approached in full frontal, i wonder if most women think they arnt attractive that it takes them by surprise them being approached, i flirted with him infront and everywhere i made sure i enjoyed every moment taunting him with flirts he felt i was a stalker, when everyone got tired of it and complained to management, management called us both for a hearing, where i gave the full load down and threatened that the next thing they will see is my undies all over in every mans locker. 

    of course there are some who will go ahead just to see how far on your bluf but you take it by surprise further as far as needed to drive a message clear. so long as you call the shots on where and when, you never know he may just turn into prince charming smile emoticon and say he is sorry he was just joking, cos men are actually scared when they see a woman who has an agenda, they hunters they like to go after who dosnt see what they unto. i think the SHA - has created more problems in the office environment than bring good. half the time sex still happens and the idea of the forbidden fruit appeals to everyone. 

    maybe women should actually be open about how selective we are, that it is very absurd sometimes. we have an instant pull or rejection and that can be mean to a guy who feels/felt geeky all his life. same happens with girls.

    if a feminist focuses on the benefits a child and a family has by giving women opportunities maybe she will have more appeal?

    a simple statement "A mother who is a maid grows Servants for kids, and becomes the Black Widow. " there is nothing weak about women, she is just not using her brains. a blond becomes smart when she stops looking in the mirror.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie and as for rape: why would men rape if they are having sex, again this cant be solved by placing policies cos this is a social problem, to me whats the difference between "cheating vs rape?" one is emotional the other is physical&emotional afterwards, you will find out that in societies where sex is easy to get men are at ease and are not physical with women, women should also have manners cos a bad tong can make an innocent guy turn into a murderer. 

    in NIgeria we dont have rape issues cos a man is free to do what he wants and even him dont realise is cos the women want it so, if you ask most women they will tell you let another share the hassle. and it is a way we deal with this type of extreme. 

    Just for a sake of this issue WHAT MAN CAN SCARE A WOMAN WITH A DICK? SHE DOSNT KNOW WHAT SHE HAS? why is it that rapists look for a struggle? they want that resistance, in working with youth in SA i met a gal who told me she was cornered by 6 boys to be raped buy, she asked that she be not violated and would give them what they want, she offered a blow job, they left her be. this is just an exaple of why men rape, for self gratis, has nothing to do with the object. evaluate the level of self esteem men and women have within a country and you will know the risk level. sometimes i see that the business world manipulates emtions of people just to sell a shirt. bad and this is turning back to hunt the society. 

    in africa it isnt that we are promiscuous its that we dont entertain opening a door to violence. the more laws you put the more everyone is caged. was there anything like rape in the 40's to 90 like it is now? what has changed? 

    AS PER VIOLENCE TOWARDS WOMEN THERE - also is a solution simple start teaching women to boil grits and poore it on the sleeping man or start doing media campaigns on how to deal with a violent man, while he is asleep get a hot iron and put it on his forehead, let that be what the 666 sign on his forehead for life, it is a shame and should be dealt with in a public manner since she walks with a black eye, my X once said no man messes with a woman he knows is crazy. dont know but before kids used to go for dance class that cultures a guy even better than military service. make tthat a compulsory program in schools and university, this way you create both contact and respect.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie in africa no man has the audacity to tell his woman she has no right for her own property, our sons first priority is to build his mum a home, if you ask our NIgerian women you will have her tell you. there is a reason Africa is infrastructuraly backwards but our social structure is solid. amazing how many people live on less than a doller a day. for a dollar with our structure its even too much. our men are strong but they dont rule the home, they dont interfere in women affairs. they simply know they will get lost. we have a social culture that keeps us all in check with each other, the laws hands are not long enough to manage the society, more often its just an illusion, cos given that the last massacre of the kids why couldn't the law foresee and prevent. if the kid who killed could run to next door neighbour to complain about his mother he would have received counselling, in Africa every child belongs to every one thats how we try to prevent someone going mad and shooting kids because he as a kid no one heard his cry, no one just wakes up buys a gun and kills. my mum is russian and i know that the white society is very icy, pardon me if i am being too blunt here it dont apply to everyone.

  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie women and children are the wealthiest its the man that is cracking down and dosnt know what else to do with his life, why is it so hard for the feminists to achieve their aim and have become the jokers at the palace? thats cos most women rant feeling this way, and kids plainly are just not in that zone yet. sometimes we like to fight the imaginary ghost. i am divorced and i left without asking for a penny cos while i was married i started my own business, and he looking for a way to give me money for the kids now all i say open an account and put it in savings for them, never alowed him the chance to buy his power over the home, i made it a principle never to have a joint account, i do not want to know how much he earned cos simple, bills need to be paid and i dont care who puts 30 or 50, this allows me also not to reveal what my earnings are psychologically this stimulates the curiosity. for me a man is a companion not a tool to give myself security, i am responsible for mine, when women understand the strengths they have then they wouldnt need to turn their fellow woman into a feminist. we dont have to grow balls to know and be strong. we were given heads for that.

Why just the why questions? Why is asking why more important than the whats and hows? Why did why win out? What's the specific power of the why over the whats and hows. Why was the why movement selected over the "question movement?" Are most of us all really here for just the whys or are we here for questioning the world around us in the form of any question? Oooo, and let me not forget to include the "Ares," too. So to summarize my question: why the whys?
  • James Clarke likes this.
  • David Wagle My high school calc teacher had a great poster: "He who knows 'how' will always have a job. He who knows 'why' will always be his boss."
  • James Clarke That is an excellent question, and I won't pretend to have the best articulated response to it. However, here is my best shot:

    1) "Why?" is the question that is the fundamental root of explanation and reason. If one asks a "who?", "what?", "when?", "w
    here?", or "how?" question, someone else can usually press for further information by asking "why?" (as in "Why do you think that?"). The chain of inquiry/reason can only go so far by asking "what?", "when?", "who?", or "where?" (due to causality, "how?" and "why?" are similar in this sense).

    2) I believe that "why?" is the fundamental basis of the inalienable right of critical inquiry. Those familiar with military and/or State Department protocol can correct me here, but I believe that "why?" is the one question that there's no reasonable excuse to classify an answer to (even if it has to be answered in general terms). Think of a real-world example: there was/is a good excuse not to leak the who, what, when, where, and how of the Bin Laden raid, but I think it would be hard to excuse not telling people why the Bin Laden raid went down, even if the answer is simply that it was for national security reasons.

    In other words, I feel that there is potential justification in suppressing the answers to who, what, when, where, and how questions, but never to why questions.
  • James Clarke I reason that questions ought to be based on fact to avoid digressive questions as to whether a question's supposition is true, and to avoid putting others in a position where their opinion must be beaded on accepting yours.

    Follow up questions such as "why do you think that?" and asking why reasonable critiques of a position do not apply are a necessary for parsing opinion.
  • Matt Powell How is also very important... however, the is also a HOW movement.


    'How' is not just a question. HOW is the answer. Our world is being dramatically reshaped. The rules of the...
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie dont know if it will be interesting if every thought needs a fact to make it valid.
  • Matt Powell Alsu - ??? I think there is some distinction to be made between music, art, fictional stories, myths, or parables that illustrate an idea, principle, impression or concept and the promotion of irrational and fallacious claims as valid, reasonable, and/or factual premises that someone puts forth. One should be able to defend the ideas that they put forth in a reasonable and coherent way. Even Salvador Dali did this... and his ideas were pretty far outside the norm. One needn't defend as factual something that is within it's own context "true" - but one should be able to provide context. I might find certain claims made by creationists interesting - such as their promotion of the idea that the Earth is only ten or so thousand years old - but I certainly wouldn't call such claims valid. Every thought needn't be factual to be valid... just as every thought that claims to be a fact needn't be interesting; but every thought that claims to be fact must be supported by evidence that supports such a claim, or it is not valid.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie are beliefs irrational if the person to prove his point acts on it? lets take for instance the prophecies in the bible arnt they becoming so real because someone is provoked to prove a point? i would presume that the saying there is no smoke without fire would be relevant to state that there is a % probability to everything! you said "One should be able to defend the ideas that they put forth in a reasonable and coherent way." are you putting rules to communication styles? i e you want to tell me that common sense is common? for the sake of communicating and exploring some things should sound absurd, if we are dealing with people who just want clear cut answers then why the need to even ask why in the first place, just state the how, what, where, when etc as a statement and you have your facts. but if you looking for vantage points then patience is required as not everyone possesses communication skills that are similar. its what i call a SWAG "attitude" disposition to a topic matter. the thing to me is everyone states his or her own facts i do mine and i have no need to enforce mine cos the point to the why is that it is just an opinion. if someone finds my opinion interesting they would pick up a word within it to connect. if i want crude facts i will go in pursuit of it myself, cos you and i sure do know that many stories in the world are fabricated. your, my, theirs are just experiences what you going to do with it is what matters. for instance i have no clue to what the US is but i can render my outside view on a matter that may lead to a better solution, but if buffed off cos one presumes that someone siting on the other end of the globe cant possibly know what it is like may loose a valuable note. smile emoticon i understand what you mean i am just extenuating ie connecting
  • James Clarke I like The Muppets
  • John Caldwell I've begun to dribble when I pee . . .
  • Fran Dunham Why?... Is thought provoking..One must ask the question in order to know to seek the answers...(IMHO).smile emoticon
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Why wouldn't an omnipotent God just create all humans and animals to not have to kill other living things in order to survive? Couldn't he (being omnipotent and all) have created a system where killing doesn't have to sustain living? Does this help lend towards an evolutionary theory rather than creationism theory? If not, then why?
  • You and James Clarke like this.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie We have been meant to believe that human beings are mini gods hence we are expected to know better! If you would accept that we are just advanced animals then it would be easier to accept certain things and leave God out of things and deal with the behaviour of man! 

    Babe I and u are mothers and it is hurtful to accept that our babies are in danger, and someone up there should protect them when we don't see! If you look at the animal kingdom in the clan of Lions, you would notice that as soon as the lioness has cubs she goes away from the lion. That's cos there is an innate envy in the lion towards the cubs having all the attention, as well as the instinct that one day he will have to relinquish his rights of leadership! 

    Lions Vs Hyenas - there is always a security system that needs to be put to protect! 5days ago I stumbled on a clip on utube that explain why certain things happen! Hyenas always kill the lions cubs but a lion will kill a hyena adult to set a principle! Big Cats don't eat the dogs! I saw how a lion killd the hyena and threw at a borderline to make a statement to the pack! It was amazing to realise some animals have honour!

    If I am permitted to be critical of the image your society has, the world outside don't feel sorry for what is happening! You guys so rely on Law that the law has taken advantage of your society, you've lost any form of survival skills as a society! Outside we believe that 9/11 was staged as an excuse to go for oil! Some if not many believe it too! Your men, boys and kids were coerced to giving their life for a false idea!

    Reason and faith always have a battle! The truths we can't accept "rationalise" we often push the blame to God! That's too convenient. If he should solve it all he would say forgive even if you can't accept! Look at the issue at hand and manage it not to have a major backlash on the society!

    The death of the murderers leaves the rest living in fear of what could have been his excuse to harm kids or the innocent! Everyday we hear people being killed "adults" and we shrug it off cos internally we know that some adults deserve it. When it comes to kids we are often baffled! We kill people not just with physical wepons, but our words, which pushes them to become sociolopaths! Your society just like ours in the event of Aluu students (I don't advice that you google this cos its worse than what has happened in your country) my nation still can't get over it!

    In the world at large we are loosing social consciousness to money! bragging rights. Yet once gotten we realise there was no honour gotten or to be given! The world hates the rich even thoe they wish to be rich!

    Let's take away the event and look at the guy! What could possibly have affected him to take out such an act? Was he abused as a kid? What pushed him to make an insane act? For him to have acted it means he had rationalised it for himself! If I am permitted to say this! The developed society has a lot to do with their attitude towards life and living! When your life is ruled by law, the law should be blamed not God who shakes his head when his kids are hurting each other on a daily basis! Where you have people who don't believe in God, but as soon as something happens they can't explain they blame him!

    I feel your pain babe! I feel you! Don't blame the messenger, I am just trying to bring some reason to wrong acts of man vs god! I am wondering if I should have been just as silent as God to ur question!
    I plead to be pardoned for my directness even thoe I have little facts of the situation, we suffer thesame on our end!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie a very huge part if not the whole foundation of america is based on gangs and slavery, and the ever illusive american dream drives everyone to fight for their right no matter how obscene it is.
  • David Wagle I'll confess to after years of study, I have no clue what the term "omnipotent" means. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean whatever most people mean by it when used in such arguments.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie we wouldnt know the difference. if there was no light there wouldnt be dark.
  • David Wagle No, you're missing the point. Demonstrate that an ecosystem of the size we have can in fact survive in a possible physical universe without that. Otherwise you're making an assumption without basis.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie babe i dont question too many earthly things and mix it with God, they are 2 different fields for me. if you are trying to say he is mean for doing this and just laughing at how we tumble in trying to survive then its good for me, i just do what i have to do. i use him as my survival tool lol.i am happy we are not or have stoped being on the food chain
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie half the time we have imaginary enemies he is there to deal with it, and on earth we have imaginary and physical enemies this we have to deal with.
  • David Wagle It's not a matter of not being willing to ask those types of questions, it's a recognition of the number and degree of assumptions one makes in answering them. At some point one has to have the intellectual integrity to recognize the difference between postulating hypothesis that give insight and speculative fantasy. And for me, at least, that point comes well before I have to assume every fact under discussion.
  • David Wagle NOthing at all when it's recognized as such and not masquerading as serious inquiry.
  • David Wagle You are assuming that killing an animal for food is in fact an evil act, or that animals killing each other for survival is a moral issue. Provide me a link to your systematic moral theology that makes that a necessary conclusion.

    And, btw, I'd wager 
    a few theologians might be willing to find an issue with your contention that God is loving. That is a very different claim than God is love.

    (at least within the Christian tradition and presuming God to speak for the imminent trinity of the triune God and not some person of the economic trinity.
  • David Wagle Perhaps, btw, you're merely trying to frame the question of theodicy, and your question isn't really about carnivorous behavior per se. In which case I'd suggest that there are a fascinatingly large number of attempts to answer that question, and they each have various and sundry flaws. My personal take is that the terms 'omnipotent,' 'omniscient,' and 'omnipresent' are fundamentally meaningless to mortal beings. We simply are too limited to have any clue what those terms imply. And we can either answer the question of theodicy by rejecting God or by accepting our own limited capacity with a bit of humility.

    Though, I admit, as a Lutheran I am often swayed to accept the Augustinian view of evil as privation of good. And as a geek, I'm very attracted to William Hatcher's "Middle Way"
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Of all the religions practiced in this world, it is only those that share the god of Abraham as their root that have a running battle with Science. It is as if there is fundamental conflict between their core beliefs and scientific findings.

    There is 
    an ancient paradox which runs like this:
    1. If God can do ANYTHING can He create both an Immovable Object and an Irresistable Force?
    2. If He can what would happen when the two inevitably clashed?

    The point obviously being that if the Irresistable Force prevailed then the object, ab initio, was not immovable and, conversely, if the Immovable Object prevailled the the force, ab initio, was not irresistable.

    Many of the best and most versatile minds amongst ancient theologians and philosophers grappled with this paradox. Some came up with extemely convoluted explanations of the mysteriousness of God's ways.

    However, even in the Bible we are told that there are limitations to the concept of God's omnipotence and will. God CANNOT lie ... God CANNOT commit sin.

    Scientists, in grappling with the above paradox, point out that the questions aree illogical because the co-existence of an Irresistable Force and an Immovable Object is a logical impossibility. For a force to be irresistable it must possess more than half of the energy in this universe, and for an object to be immovable it must also possess more than half of the energy in the universe. Since no two things can possess more than half of a singularity simultaneously the paradox defies logic (reason).

    The conclusion being that God CANNOT be illogical. This is what is meant when one says God is Reason. God is omnipotent, God is omniscient, God is universal, God is love and God is Reason.

    There are those who believe that if one prays hard enough and long enough God will provide (for example) the new car they've wanted. BUT, the fact that there is anything called a "car" at all is due not to prayer but to man's ability to reason. That man has reached the moon and other planets in our solar system is due not to prayer but to reason ... to the application of logic. 

    In being told that man was made in the "image and likeness" of God, this ability to reason ... to apply logical thought .. is one of the essential attributes that man has been given. Man is not God, for man can lie and man can commit sin. However, man can be like God because he can be love and he can reason.

    If something is illogical, it does not come from God because GOD IS LOGIC.

    By all means, read your religious texts and draw spiritual inspiration from them. Draw spiritual inspiration from your Holy Prophets and Messiahs. But whenever you see something illogical in those scriptures it behoves you to question. Any interpretation of those texts that requires an action that promotes antagonism towards a fellow man is NOT a message from God. Any interpretation that requires an illogical belief is NOT a message from God.

    The universe we exist in is governed by the laws of logic ... it is not too hard to conclude from this that if God governs this universe then an integral part of God must be the laws of logic.

    Science only attempts to discover and apply that logic ... it is this logic that made the ancient archtectural wonders of the world possible, it is this logic that makes the wonders of modern technology possible and it is this logic, when applied for sinful purposes, that makes weapons of mass destruction possible. 

    It is also this logic which leads us to understand that God is ONE and for mankind to be "like God" mankind must also be ONE ... regardless of its diversity. To fight Science is to fight an attribute of God.
  • David Wagle Again, you assume that this world could exist as it does without carnivorous behavior at any level of the food chain. I find that an amazingly odd belief. We'd be neck deep in rotting carcasses because nothing would eat them . . . which would make disease a pretty serious issue.
  • David Wagle Considering I don't believe in literal creationism, I'm not the best person to answer that question. 

    But, I'd suggest that perhaps 'omnipotent' doesn't mean what you assume it does?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Amandaaaaaaaa! you are a darling. i guess some questions only he can answer.
  • David Wagle Your second sentence is nonsense. It rather requires a chain of assumptions that I doubt very much hold up, (though I suspect we might never be able to prove) in fact do obtain. 

    Starting with the assumption that the imaginary world you demand is in fact possible in reality.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie what you wish isnt his command dear if one is to take that angle my love.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Amanda you will not survive in this world being totaly humanistic. someone will eat you for breakfast.
  • David Wagle I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time seeing honest curiosity behind snarky dismissals. 

    But if you are actually curious, then why not recognize that your question was answered: 

    "Why didn't God make it so animals don't have to be food for one another, that's evil! He's omnipotent, he could have!"


    (1) it's not at all clear that he could have. Everything we know about biology suggests that healthy ecosystems including living animals need consumers of waste, and it may be logically impossible to balance an ecosystem such that consumers of waste can thrive entirely off waste without consuming any living thing and have the world as we know it. In other words, 'omnipotence' may not in anyway imply the ability to do that which is not logically possible. There is no reason to think God can make square circles. For this question to demand a serious answer, you need to demonstrate that a large scale healthy ecosystem without any even pseudo-carnivores is possible. 

    (2) Moral evil is not properly equated to mere physical suffering. Conflating natural events with moral evil is a categorical error.

    (3) if your question is not merely about animals being consumed by other animals, and is about the larger question of theodicy, recognize it's not a unique question, it's been around since before Christ and there are lots of ways of approaching the answer. Google "Problem of Evil" for a place to start.
  • David Wagle I didn't say your question was snarky, I said your dismissal of attempts to engage you with real answers was. 

    I"m not going to speak to answers from creationists. I'm not one and I find them to be holding an intellectually vacuous position that is to
    ...See More
  • David Wagle No, you completely miss the point. I believe in a creator God. I simply don't believe in literalist interpretations of Genesis !. A hermeneutical standard, which frankly is not only normative for Christians today, but has been the predominate reading for all of Christaindom. 

    So you're completely misreading my answer to you.
  • William Vangordan In the Biblical creation it doesn't state whether the animals fed on one another. It doesn't even say what man ate. According the Bible animals won't need to eat each other in heaven. If Eden was heaven on Earth then the animals didn't kill to survive. Using logic within the stories then yes, the omnipotent creator of the world did create life to not have to kill but we screwed it up by eating a fruit. See, fruit is the root of all evil.

Why is "nerd" now a good thing to be?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie a sign of personality and talent. before everyone was made to conform everyone looked like zombies, nerds always looked out of place and silently admired. now its called a brand.
  • Matt Joseph So sort of like a last ditch attempt to be "different"?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Nerds are naturally different, not copy cats.
  • Matt Joseph I mean the current trend.
  • Matt Joseph Anyone who has glasses, knows a single fact that is not common knowledge, etc. (I've noticed that most often it's girls) says "lol I'm such a nerd" or "I love being a nerd".
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie it means she loves being different. whats the problem with that? smile emoticon
  • Matt Joseph It's a delusion; I know several of the girls personally and they are most certainly not nerds.

    I'm asking why it's such a popular delusion and why it is good to be a nerd.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i answered why it is good to be a nerd "Unique", i understand that wearing a Michael Jackson's hat dont mean you can do the moon walk or be him, but if it puts a smile on the persons face whats the big deal and it isnt often a delusion its what she wants to be seen as "different", take it metaphorically, just a message perhaps for you to look deeper? while you are probably wanting otherwise for her to be what you see her for, its her choice and your perception or knowledge of her dont really matter, cos if it did she would probably listen to you if you said something.
  • Matt Joseph Fair enough.

    So back to before; it's simply to "stand out"?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie have you heard of a saying fake it till you make it? we all have role models we emulate, mum dad girlfriend, social figure, as one grows along one sheds all that mask, its a path to finding who you are, a mirror on the world kind of thing before they become comfi with who they are, its just a method of comparing but you gat to allow everyone to be who they want to be so you can be who you are.
  • Matt Joseph I've never heard of that...in my experience those who begin to fake either can't or won't stop and simply retreat further into the mask.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie if i may ask Matt how old are you?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie now would it be right for me to say that Matt with a cheeky attitude is the real Matt? smile emoticon
  • Matt Joseph A part of the real me, yes.

  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie should i then use your theory to say Matt when he becomes a Man will continue to be cheeky or he is just cheeky cos he is 16?
  • Matt Joseph Well, so long as I don't retreat behind a mask or something happens to change my personality, I will almost certainly retain my cheeky attitude.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie life dont spare us a moment to be stagnant, we all change, you will refine who you are to fit the society you will be in. money changes people, poverty changes people, death or love of someone, you may become humorous, wise rather than judgemental "cheeky" if you allow life to guied you and not be stiff.
  • Rhiannon Renninger except being a 'nerd' isnt unique anymore. there are tons, literally tons, of people with fake glasses who claim to like anime or video games and think it makes them unique-and it doesnt. theyre also NOT nerds. nerds are the people who were bullied and made fun of, NOT liked, as opposed to the people who claim to be nerds but still make fun or look down on people who arent like them. 

    like on the commercial for this new tv show "King of the Nerds" or whatever. one of the contestants claimed she had a huge internet following-thats awesome and all but youre not a nerd
  • Nicholas Alexander Jabbour Following up on your last comment Rhiannon, "Nerd" simply is, and always will be, a silly subjective label, just like "jock," "prep," etc. The only difference is that "nerd" used to be something disliked and made fun of, whereas now being nerd is seen as a "cool" thing to be. And Matt's question I think is, in other words, "why is it all of a sudden considered cool to be a nerd, when it used to be considered something bad to be?"
  • Rhiannon Renninger it doesnt matter as im not the subject of this question
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i want to know what you think of you, cos you have clearly judged others well.
  • Rhiannon Renninger judging? im basing my 'judgement' of people on the connotation and denotation of the word nerd. and youre one to talk considering you basically called every woman who takes sexual pictures for men whores
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie indulge me then i would give you an answer to your statement. would you accept if someone viewed you and labeled you as a retard without knowing you?
  • Rhiannon Renninger what? when did i ever call anyone a retard?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i just asked an innocent question not accusation. can you answer?
  • Rhiannon Renninger explain why you asked that then, if its so innocent
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie would you like it if i passed a judgement on you without knowing you?
  • Rhiannon Renninger if it was without reason, no. the basic definition of a nerd is someone noone likes and every single person i know who willingly claims and advertises the title 'nerd' is not a nerd. theyre the ones making fun of all the people noone talks to, all the people they think are weird
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie babe WORDS are always redefined they are not static. words are also alive they breed attitude, in example "Negro" i dont think any black person should take offence with as that means he is an african "Nigeria or Niger" cos most slaves were taken from that region, but because it has a perception as that of a "slave" they react. 

    a nerd in my dictionary is a slang "negatively or positively used" he who uses it is its master. just like what one used to call every person they dont like or are threatened by as JEW, and everyone carried that spirit of aggression, now it has a positive angle, they are admired, dont know by you or not but i do admire their tenacity to beat everyone who try to paint them bad or put them down. today if you look around they almost rule the world. the world dosnt understand that the more they throw at them negativity the more they fuel their capacity. the facebook you and i are chatting on was built by a nerd and was rendered none attractive until he became famous and same pwitty gals who would dis him now give him a BJ. women are attracted to nerds when they perceive power behind it, so being a nerd has now taken up a new definition, cos a number of them are stars. my brother is a well known sports star, while growing up he was considered a riff raft "bad boy" althoe he has always been gentle and kind, cos soccer players in my continent were deemed useless as every parent aspired their kids to be lawyers and engineers. he wanted to date a gal and she said HER DADDY SAID. 3 years later she was running looking for him. Ugly ducklings when they grow become swans.

    Rhi if somone chooses to call themselves a NERD whats your beef with that? are they disturbing your equilibrium? 
    if they call you a NERD then you should take offence if you feel negative about it. if you are unable to face and tell them they are fake then its either social etiquette wouldnt allow you, or one may be a coward "also fake cos they cant act on their judgement" often times when we focus on others we are distracted from ourselves, and actually become failures who are laughed at by the same nerds we criticised, cos while we are laughing, they are busy redefining themselves. 

    if you are judging your opposite sex it is considered fancying cos there is no competition, in example (often boys pull on girls hair when they like her). but when a gal is picking on a gal thats envy "comparison". dont base all your knowledge of a word on WEBSTER or OXFORD there is another side to everything usually gotten from experiential learning. and everyone is a nerd form the stand point of "UNIQUE"
  • Rhiannon Renninger id reply but i couldnt make out half of what you said. excuse me if that sounded rude, i dont mean for it to be
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie no you aint rude. i am a "nerd" who very few understand.
  • Rhiannon Renninger my beef with them is their hypocrisy-they take pride in being 'different' while making people who are different than them miserable
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie have you or a friend of yours been affected by one?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Rhi, there is something that i have noticed while working with people, altho many know all the vocabulary in the world have lost the ability to speak, sometimes i use strong words just to spook the emotion out of the way such as "retard" that i used earlier. no one sees people as human beings anymore but beasts cos they have been hurt. everyone is in competition with others rather than themselves, so i pay no mind to the noise of the world. you are right in hypocrisy of many and a true nerd never hurts anyone, he is often a Spiderman in love with a babe and bitten by a bug smile emoticon i would presume you are in your early 20's this age is hypersensitive and hyperventilated and i was there too, i was laughed at for having legs that weren't as straight as most white girls have, i was the only mulato in my state and boys wouldnt date me cos i was like an alien to them, they would be friends and i would go with them for marshal arts but never seen as a gal, all i did was become a lone ranger, i simply removed the world from inside my world. they made me a nerd but i eventually started loving it, it built strengths in me that no one had and has in comparison http://askalsu.blogspot.com/2012/12/maybe-it.html have a read on some experiences, i was bigger than my peer-mates i am 6ft 1' tall and was this since i was 16, i would be called to fight bullies who came to my school and called behind my back bigfoot, until one guy called me snow-white, at the time i didnt appreciate it cos i felt like big foot, i started emulating the character cos i liked the person it made me feel and be, i am a big foot still with a snow-whites heart and have a sting in moments, in a way it helped redefine me feeling black among my Russian friends. you cant carpet the world you just have to wear slip-ons.
  • Rhiannon Renninger i didnt realize i was in a lecture group
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie why is about findings, not lecturing even if it may be perceived as such.
  • James Clarke Hell, I suppose that I'm a "spaz" when it comes to The Why? Movement.

    But as for nerds, maybe the current trend is to realize that being smart can help you earn more money.
  • Beena Jackson It's incredibly fashionable at the moment. Everyone likes the same things but believes they are alternative.
  • Beena Jackson Being a "nerd" is in, programming is in, drawing is in, gaming and anime and comics are in.
  • Beena Jackson Getting good grades is also in. Not getting good grades cause you were too busy playing games and reading comics and stuff is also in. It's just what's fashionable right now. Geek culture is thriving.
  • Beena Jackson Science is also hugely in.
  • Beena Jackson Now if you'll excuse my I have a priest to gear up in WoW.
  • Josh Deeds Where are my hipster glasses? I did it before it was cool, including the bullying to which I was subject to for a decade plus.
  • Matt Joseph Beena, yes but WHY is it "in"?
  • Josh Deeds MTV has a website dedicated to "geek" culture..
  • Josh Deeds And with comic book movies hitting mainstream markets..
  • Matt Joseph I'm not sure I even want to go there....probably stuff like pregnant teenage "nerds" that are all sister and live with their inbred kids or something...
  • Josh Deeds Nope, it had articles that Comic Book sites already had. It's their attempt to capitalize upon the same populace that was shunned back in the day.
  • Steve Watt Perhaps technology plays a role. With our increasing machine automation, manual labour jobs are going the way of slavery or sacrifice. Jobs now require more technical and people skills, giving us nerds an advantage. Many people, nerds and non-nerds alike, probably realise this on one level or another, and so we are shifting our values to reflect our new technology driven environment.
  • Linda Coburn I think we're mixing up geek and nerd. I think of geeks as nerds that like to have fun. Geeks are more extroverted and into things like technology and fantasy and the mixing of the two for pleasurable purposes while nerds are more about math and science and theoretical stuff and are more likely to be ultra-introverted. That's my take anyway. I would classify myself as geek-ish, or geek adjacent.
  • Steve Watt Agreed, but I'd like to comment on the 'fun' part. Introverted activities are much more 'fun' for an introvert, so I feel you went a bit too far with the comment that "geeks are nerds that like to have fun", but I understand what you mean anyway. Geeks are nerds that like to have more extroverted fun rather than introverted fun. Perhaps this is another false dichotomy; we all are a bit of both, some more to one side than the other. I'm more on the 'nerdy' side, an info junkie who loves researching anything and everything. I'm easily bored with many extroverted fun activities.  smile emoticon

Why is there always a catch 22 in everything?
  • Aron Madrid Everything? I need clarification on this one.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Yep! The phrase "Catch-22", "a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule. Ie there is always a sacrifice to pay! No one ever wins!
  • Lew Holzman Sorry, but I think you're wrong..other than the fact that we all die and fade away..But within the context of daily life I feel that I win every day as I live with someone I love, we have a wonderful grown child and now a grandson. We have good friends and do not want for basic things.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie everyone should count their blessings in the choices they make and stop focusing on the begining or the end! Ie trying to rationalise life vs living! Always searching for facts that blind truth! Cos to every fact there is an opposit fact and truths. Trying to prove everyone wrong rather than accepting that every have a right to their belifs and wishes! Would u agree?
  • Lew Holzman Everyone has a right to whatever but that doesn't mean I don't have a right to my opinions and if someone expresses theirs I have a right to disagree. It doesn't mean I think that they're a bad person or stupid or anything like that...just off the mark as far as I'm concerned...
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie of your mark i would suppose Lew smile emoticon. there is a difference between the topic and the person who communicated it. there is a difference in every perspective and as an older person there is a tactic that over the years you have used to bring up a lovely family and keep friends and it needs to be employed when negotiating boarders with strangers. if we are all rude to each other would that serve justice to a topic at hand, wouldn't attitude's derail people from connecting? why dosnt one try to engage someone in a discus of probabilities. there are creative words that get people to understand and then accept a point of view without making them have a bad day!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie fact deals with evidence, truth deals with belief "imaginary" until it transforms.

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