
My way basking

Men who have a disdain for people seldom make the right choices. To think of people as nothing renders one to put plans that favours oneself. To think of women as headless rendered men like napoleon to dismiss advice from those who see farther. Napoleon was warned so many times but he never listened as the experiences of childhood rejections propelled him to go into waring Europe and in Russia he was defeated. Should he have not been blind by greed he would have known how to fight the wars. Kutizov was a general of his people and knew what values his people held. Russians are very patriotic even if through history they accepted foreign strengths.

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

You deserve to live your life to the fullest.

As a girl who lived in Russia I know better as I had experienced the social drive of its people. Russia needs to wake up to the reality that owning vast lands does not make for an educated people. Constantly being on a reserve to foreign influence renders its people to being ostracised. Yes history may have thought the Russians that foreigners come to take and leave but they should also be aware that burning down bridges leaves everyone ignorant of world affairs. Russians also are at fault for placing themselves in the position of being drawn back; for fear of loosing the long standing image.

The insecurities were born through centuries of being invaded and looted by the Mongols who they learnt to coexist with, French who never get the understanding of culture due to their inferiority complex developed through centuries of having to survive between the English, Dutch and Spaniards (sorry to say every colonial attempts have proven brutal), and then came along the political systems that caged people with blind nationalistic policies that drew the divide between nations within the eastern block, Asia and african continents. To be constantly defensive does not help anyone.

Think, do, learn,- imagine, organise, analyse is the function of governance.

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