
Zidane in action!

Jacob Aaris Bak a fellow fb friend and I discuss. Let me take you on a little thought process. My reaction to his thoughtless expressions using "emoji symbols" without providing any further reason attached to it indicated a level of ignorance "emotional display" to my statements on 2 posts, and rather than emotions to trigger an imbalance within me, it would have been quite reasonable to have expressed himself adequately "argumentative response". However emotions don't distract me when dealing with public. I like the fact that my statements are triggering minds to pay attention to situations from other angles.

Dialogue; "Why i am saying this is not just in reference to this post but a previous one where you expressed emotions of displeasure with my saying in quote "There are people that can tick you off to such a level you begin to ask yourself in the mirror if they are worth giving any positive attention. Love you always Mr Chris Brown.

By showing repetitive negative symbols indicates an inability to express oneself especially in serious issues.

In the world of show business and events of abuse happening between 2 couples or people it would be wise for the public to realise that there are witless personas acting behind the screens who put pressure on young and highly sensitive people who haven't got the experience to handle relationships, be it with friends or intimate friends, which is why you see such actions taken.

Zidane had a public incident where he thought a player a lesson for voicing abuses in reference to his sister and i totally approve of that act, if the other was stupid enough to use tactics to distract him from focus he deserved to be put in his place. It is unfortunate that in Mr Browns case to have such a down fall. Remember do not condem anyone without prior investigating the underlining factors. Unfortunately we are living in a world where people don't stand up for people anymore.

I hate to repeat myself but with the advent that we are loosing brilliant actors and artists as well as ordinary folks aimlessly is a disgrace and for that reason i am brutal with thoughtless actions of people, neither will i patronise stupidity from the public.

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