
With girls I talk with boys I speak.

The worst thing that can ever happen to someone like me is to loose my sense of gravity. What pulls me to live, what pulls me towards life? Science has tried in many ways to help people with injuries or pain yet healing is only willed by the individual himself. Carrying the weight alone can break or make a person to being or becoming who they are.

My Gravity is in staying firm on my goals and being flexible with beliefs and as soon as anyone makes an attempt to manipulate those I care for it triggers the source of energy "a duty that was bestowed on me by my father" to protect those who are younger and with the support of nature over the period of my growing into an adult and growing into life it only became stronger.

My muse is my family and kids, my faith in my abilities through making steps that the aspired results demand, be it on a social or personal level.

The worst thing that can ever happen to someone like me is to loose my sense of gravity. What pulls me to live, what pulls me towards life? Science has tried in many ways to help people with injuries or pain yet healing is only willed by the individual himself. Carrying the weight alone can break or make a person to being or becoming who they are.

My Gravity is in staying firm on my goals and being flexible with beliefs and as soon as anyone makes an attempt to manipulate those I care for it triggers the source of energy "a duty that was bestowed on me by my father" to protect those who are younger and with the support of nature over the period of my growing into an adult and growing into life it only became stronger.

My muse is my family and kids, my faith in my abilities through making steps that the aspired results demand, be it on a social or personal level.

I remember at some point mentioning the use of mathematics and language in the context of developing reasoning and expressive skills between girls and boys.

The core issue to the problems between people regardless of age or status is because logic and expressions differ and the only method I have found in being able to know when something is amiss is through tones.

Knowing when someone wants or needs to be spoken to is instinctive. Some have accused me that I don't listen yet in evidence I realised I was dealing with liers.

The worst experience I ever had was to have gone through an apedicietics surgery without anaesthesia at 16, then infected and back to surgery, breaking my foot while playing volley ball. Constant muscle cramps due to tension. Physical and emotional pain seems like a normal thing and the only release is to write and listen to music.

My strength of character only becomes stronger and the more I experience bigotry through discrimination the harder I become

A lot of people presume that the source of a muse is love ie implying that someone has a profound impact on a person physically "sex" but most black artists source is pain, some are able to express it by lyrically coding subliminal emotions, some are raw in their expression, which is what scares the public.

2pac's lyrics for the most part of it says as it is and same with Eminem but they heal as pretence doesn't exist in them.

How explosive can the truth be to a mind that is unprepared? How meaningful is knowledge to the willing? In the educational institutions when it comes to evaluating how much should someone know totally depends on their interest levels that drives relativity. A teachers ability to reflect knowledge also depends on the level of interest they have about the subject. So how does one bridge the gap to the other? Would having a cane be productive? Would that not create more tension?

In the formula of relativity E=mc2 I see a phyguratzive solution, Ice Mc2 rapping or wrapping?
The sound actives through which children learn to trust and listen is the key to learning.

The Bird at 16; I am not too sure that a coaches duty is to enhance the game of each individual within the team, Team and Teaming is the main function. Building ones skills is done by oneself and often outside the team training sessions. An individual who seeks for attention while everyone needs to practice being together is not prepared.

Remembering myself from 14 to 16  I had been totally independent from being watched by parents. Independence is ones ability to function and fend for self. 16 is a time when the youth seeks to find themselves on a social level at this moments it's paramount to release the grip as parents but watch.

My dad would go out with me to test and check what's my alcohol intake tolerance is as he knew that girls are likely to be vulnerable when under the influence of substances or peers. His most crucial advice to me at the time was "you can have any kind of friends but you need to be your own best friend". After then he pretty much only spoke in parables and did basic parental drills.

As a presenter at an event I usually start from a point of reference in order to connect then if the audience responds I take it further. In cases where an audience doesn't respond I simply head on with the original plan because I am one and they are many. To consider an event successful by the cheers of the public or the judges frowns isn't often objective as the presenters having fun with their topic charges the atmosphere. People don't often come to an event to listen to a lecture but they come to look at how someone is presenting and trying to control a presenter renders the message to becoming mechanical. Feedback after usually speaks both about the presenter and overall on an event.

When I play my game I own the floor, when I am playing with other players I complement them and I least think of myself, and if sounding ridiculous makes them look better then all the more. Playing off is bouncing off of the energy that I get from anything and anyone that surrounds me, in defusing tension I express higher goals/aspirations for myself.

There is a huge difference between being technically skilled and socially savvy. By remembering a simple aspect that one is dealing with people, as well as understanding that having a cultural diversity as a coach allows one to have a strength to binding people or knowledge that can  make sense to all, how ever the difficulty an environment that is only focused on technicalities/facts to move ahead is difficult.

To dig up tech or technicalities of a particular situation or subject is easy however to be objective about the influence that social diversity "experiences"  possesses is difficult for most who are isolated and in return isolates others. Blocking by being defensive renders an environment to becoming hostile.

Intensity isn't adrenalin. Being fast isn't furious ie what it takes to bring passion into a game requires people who play to be relaxed, especially when technique is high.

To have had so much experience "only tech knowledge" can also be very daunting, it can take the flavour out of being creative. When it comes to the mind it demands stories which builds imaginative moments. Different cultures have different approaches to surviving as the climate within differs. Being a bully may be exhilarating for some but being bullied isn't funny at all to all.

As a mother and a sister the understanding of what it takes to engage people especially youth comes easy, easy not only because of the duties I have in the family but my personality ie being social as well as being interested in not just people but what is going on around. Understanding the influence an environment has on people because of my travels makes me know what could be the problem at any given time or place. Understanding how guys and girls think and what influences their pattern of behaviour allows me to curtail certain behaviours and prevent situations that can be damaging, as well as allowing certain things to happen and being there when it happens.

With girls I talk with boys I speak. As a coach I don't always interfere, I watch and pull when the time calls for it. It's for the most part intuitive rather than mechanical. I don't see people as tools but souls who deserve to be slapped on occasion 󾌩 when I joke I joke, when I am serious I am serious however even when I joke there are intention momentums that are serious. Those who take it personal will have a feel day in mind through the matters of the heart.

When law and politics takes over the mentality it's hard to find ways to coexist, at that point spirituality "a global philosophy" needs kicks in. Imagine a general in high heals instead of boots. Sexy hmm? When they say act like a woman think like a man it implies that people shouldn't forget that being soft and tough at the same time works in driving a point and executing "how ever anyone may chose to define those words" the question is, what's the end result? we only get to know when steps are taken.

The game of an entrepreneur is subliminal, a lot of it has to do with a vibe which sets the mood for negotiations and getting the right intentions clear without needing to say too much to preserve time for active duty. It's a battle of wits not twits. Attitudes kill inspiration and at times fuels the right motivation however having too much of it dampens ones willingness to collaborate.

Sex implies many things not just the act between women and men, but in exploring how chemistry works between people. We all who have experience in sexing and have succeeded know how to be with people without insinuating anything. Every work environment is charged with moods and knowing how to swing opinions allows for a sexy conversation.

I don't need to tell any man that most of us are 99% of the time thinking about sex or money, it's evident that everyone needs global worming, does anyone want a spank?

I gess those who don't know how to rhyme have a problem in negotiating. I need not tell those who are writers by nature what I mean they get the drift without being explicit.

Let's talk about us! I love ya and I ain't mad at ya. Kisses and loads of blow jobs, any inflated egos around here? There sure is a remedy for all.

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