
Flash dance.

Suitability of strategies and tactics to Situations

The meaning of life is to find out who, how and why "in what" exists! I don't defy the laws I question its force! Men are loved for their actions! Women for their words! its time to blend roles. Do! Achieve the Result!

The whole point to business revenue generation is in finding new routes! How many applications to your creatives and how diversified your sphere of exploration thats where the value is!

Many Discover but do not Explore!
As well as many Explore but don't discover!

America was discovered as a mission to explore the seas, so are avenues in economies of strengths! There is no way one going into a environment can be given a guarantee of profitability! Only the promise of possibility sails the boat! In search one finds, be prepared to investigate every possible sign!

Many live by beliefs that Parents imbedded in them, if u see it isn't working for you change tactics! Stop being miserable on a guilty trip of disobedience.

You can tell a lot about someone by how they behave when things aren't going their way.

The mind is a sponge! Like the eyes, when used to darkness can see through it! Protect your senses and it will protect your actions!

if one where to wish you a rough road wouldn't it be a better prayer? Wouldn't the scare of hardship not assert you more? Why do humans need fear to push them forward? FIRST ECONOMIC CRISES, SECOND BOKO HARAM, aren't you tired of being spooked into productivity?

Results of your actions are facts people seek to give u permission! Very few will ever understand ur perspective so asking permission is pointless! Most People support only when they see evidence!

 Win today to lead tomorrow!
Leaving in fear is for rats! an Eagle knows how high to fly!

As a business person u need to learn the art of what parents would describe as "feeding the kid that dosnt want to eat" COOK it, SERVE in a nice platter and LEAVE! Craving creates desire!

Today at 10pm the FB satellite will be flying over Nigeria to sensor all active FB users. You must stand on your roof in your underwear and wave a flag at the plane while doing the azonto. If you do not like this message an alien will come down and slap you with a fish. It works don't forget to dance azonto or even yahoozeeh......... No be only una sabi broadcast rubbish…:

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