
Welcome to G.World,

I change many things, discard others, and try again and again until I am satisfied; then, in my head, I being to elaborate the work in its breadth, its narrowness, its height, its depth…I hear and see the image in front of me from every angle as if it had been cast and only the labour of writing it down remains.’
— Ludwig van Beethove

If all your wishes came true in one day? Do you have the capacity to handle everything and not loose anything? The human brain works in compartments! There are too many abandoned projects that need fixing!

You can procrastinate all you want! Have strategies all you want! But its the action that produces facts that leads you to the next step! How do you know what people will respond to if u don't offer or say a word?

Memories of my radio shows 2006. grrrrr still need to get it off the cd and onto podcast. Welcome to G.Town, don't talk to me :) Ola i haven't disappeared just working on organising my blog for those nit-wits who want to see perfection. :)

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