

When one stays in one house for too long they stop being appreciative of what's around them! People need to migrate in order to see opportunities! Even if it's for a short while. Taste if the grass is greener, or what it feels like, to have a perspective. Being scared of leaving a spot, leaves you starved "visionless". I still don't understand this issue of created borders! There are people that want to come to Africa to have something doing, and we have Africans that want a momenths breather from hardships! Travel see what's on the other side, even if it's another state! And in traveling I don't mean by 2 weeks! At least for one year! Personnaly I don't envy those who travel for 2 weeks and think they gained something.

The human nature is that of an explorer! If u don't venture you won't find!

If you don’t believe you can win, there is no point in getting out of bed at the end of the day. It all starts with how you think! As winners know they have to push until they get there! Mental state is the drive of the body! You may be surrounded by depressive people whose vibe rubs off on you, get out of that environment as those are blood energy suckers, they feed off of your energy and leave one empty.

The Universe only works with the bold so stop being scared! Negative energy limits abilities born in one. There are over 6 billion people to cater for! I have no time babysitting people into active life even if i motivate using various styles/tactics. You have a heart to feel, a soul that sees, and a mind that thinks! Masters only have time for the fearless! Fear is a waste of time, a trick created to stop some from succeeding root cause of which comes from childhood experiences.

No one saw me coming, no one recognised why i was posting messages like crumbs when i started. Sill waters run deep, may look rough but always solid. why the need to present a face that isn't natural to the environment one is in. If i am faced in dealing with cowards i sure wouldn't look like a sheep. if with sheep i certainly become the dog. Tactics of management. Leadership styles differ and in business one is always navigating through different terrains. My management style revolves around what is effective and i aim at efficiency regardless of how misunderstood i may be at a time.

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