
First Knight "Why?!"

End of the Prince of thieves 󾍇󾌵and starts the war of the first Knights. Where is my Lancelot?

I guess it is annoying for people to have a new comer have an opposing opinion, especially an independent woman telling women that they are full of air.

for law makers - ego vs pride.

Feminism - no air, why try?
Chauvinism - no care, why try?
Interesting battles of hurt souls who refuse to heal. Tell the truth, lonely hearts that have found nothing better to pay attention to than to waste their lives in political battles. In the end have both sides succeeded? More hate, more sorrow less progress socially, who will implement all the so called policies on child protection etc? human attitudes escalating to a point of ugly that leaves all to isolation.

The other day had a drunken guy come up to my car saying give me your wallet or I'll shoot you, yet they say there is security. Countries full of depressed hearts, no jobs, yet the feminists are fighting for positions made for the lazy, haven't brought solutions but blame pushing. Who is wrong is who throws air in the wind yet no foot on the ground. Nonsense.

I've found there to be a big difference between most of the men and women I've known over the years. 
Women will say "I'm sorry" both when they are guilty and when they are simply sorry something happened, even if they had nothing to do with it. For example, "I'm sorry you had a flat on the way to work and had to change it in the rain."
Men seem to see the phrase "I'm sorry" as strictly an admission of guilt and regret for an action. I've even asked why they haven't said "I'm sorry" when something unrelated to them happens, for example, "Aren't you sorry that the zipper broke on the dress I had planned especially to wear to the party?" The reply is almost always along the lines of "Well sure but it wasn't my fault."
I've always found it funny how the two sexes view such a simple phrase so differently. We were all raised by the same mothers/fathers so where'd the different viewpoint get started?
And since is the Why forum here's they why-worded question: Why do men view "I'm sorry" as strictly an admission of guilt rather than also as a regret that something happened? I've never understood.
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  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie it would be unfair to say men dont feel or pay attention, but nature created men as hunters, when you have the mind of a provider you often have to shut your mind down to distractions, when you are carer focused everything becomes your concern. nature and nurture. there are women who can hardly care for what the world is worth, just as there are men who do care a great deal. how ever man fears to be taken advantage of, while women take advantage of themselves caring too much, no balance thats why the world is in chaos.
  • Rhiannon Renninger i know plenty of men who say sorry without worrying about being guilty.
  • Janet Christian But the "tendency" for the male species is to NOT do that. As I said, there are exceptions. I also know women who don't apologize no matter how much they're at fault.
  • Rhiannon Renninger so it's not just a male problem. im sorry, but this question seems sexist to me. its like saying women have a tendency to be stupid or mooch off men
  • Janet Christian No it isn't the same at all and I resent that comparison but MY EXPERIENCE even when I ASKED was that men simply don't think of "I'm sorry" as having the same meaning (as in "I'm sorry that happened") -- they really do see it as strictly an apology rather than also as an expression of regret. 

    Men interpret the very meaning of the phrase differently. That isn't sexist and again I resent the implication. I'm trying to ask WHY men interpret the meaning of this simple phrase so different than women. Where did that come from?
  • Rhiannon Renninger it's sexist to think that they naturally think differently than us. what makes you think that YOURE experience is the rule and not the exception? tons of my male friends say sorry like 'women do' and i know tons of female friends that DONT say sorry, ever. it's not a male vs. female thing, it's a personality thing
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Vanina is that a question to my comment or the status?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Kit "hunting" is a metaphor i used, a midset of a man is that of seeking what to put on the table. women by role sharing by nurture except circumstances or ambition employs us to be hunters. Hunting - Tactics is that of an executive. Women are strategic. Function of a Manager, multitasking.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Babe, i dont need to develop an aggressive attitude for a man to check himself when he is near me, i have my feminine powers, at work or on a job i know i am smart and dont need no ones acknowledgement by force or fire. i am a heavy tomboy and never had a hard time working with men, in fact i would tell you i have a huge problem working with women as half the time they are overly emotional and as a boss i dont have time to be pacifying no one with reassurances, when it isnt necessary. if she is a client i will kiss their ass for the money i need. lets take for instance your manner of communication, the word "Rubbish" wasnt necessary, but then i guess thats your way, i dont take it personal, would your strong force achieve my submitting to your understanding? not necessarily, i can choose to ignore that your knowledge maybe technical, but that doesn't make it superior. if a man/woman isnt performing its not because he/she cant think or do, its because they are emotional, and there is no amount of talking that would shift his/her mindset from giving way. its plain attitude in display. Attitude is what the glass sealing is all about.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Enlighten me what is feminism all about?
  • Janet Christian Not spoon feeding you about feminism does not mean she isn't capable of "adiquately [sic] communicating and connecting". Quite the contrary. Those of us who have lived many years and have learned how to be feminists and still succeed in a "man's world" have also learned when something/someone is not worth our time.
  • Janet Christian Ah, the 2-digit IQ comes out! I'm done with you too Hon. You have a ball talking to yourself.
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