
Truth or dare!

why do we as a society have problem with people who decide not to marry? be it single men and women!
Those who follow the social order tend to fall into its trap. What did my inner voice tell me? I wanted a home of my own, not a house for others opinions on what my life should be.

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  • Ogiemwanre Victor Is african culture to procrate
  • Emeriewen Efe They are the ones that have problems with the society! Otherwise they should tag along. Ha ha ha. 
    On a more serious note, they dont look happy or ok with their status? If they are, they dont show it? Because joy or happiness is contagious, if they are happy, nobody will even know their status! Even if you are privy to such info, you cant burst such a bubble.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie there is a catch 22 to everything. but when you live in a society that shoves down your throat that you must marry i would disagree with that. free will is my absolute. if someone is unhappy being alone ie not his best friend then marry, if one is miserable being married get out. but the society should hold their opinions to who should and shouldn't. and about bursting bubbles i doubt that anyone be married or not should indulge in. there are those creatures such as eagles who dont stay in the nest and their beauty is in the skye. unfortunately people unlike animals are emotional and they are influenced by what they hear. if married people are happy we will have everyone wanting. if you look at my pics today and year and a half ago you will see the difference. i for one shouldnt be the marrying type, i am too free to be in a cage or possession, i let everyone free and hold them responsible for their politics but i am hapy i had the experience of giving and being a mother. after all nature created barren men and women what is that about. what i actually hate is when men in nigeria and africa in general practice is get the woman pregnant first so that they can feel safe. if marriage is about kids then have a full house.
  • Jeff Sob I don't think society's got a problem with such folks, however if this becomes the norm, society breaks down!
  • Onyebuchi Ikechukwu Ekwe It's because the single men and women are home-wreckers: they are serial fornicators.  smile emoticon
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie My Ekwe we are catching more married people at what you just mentioned o.
  • Onyebuchi Ikechukwu Ekwe That's because they're being increasingly corrupted by the singles.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie pardon me dear for being too confident about this, a single person my be mischievous but a married person who goes out looking for fun is obviously miserable with what they have at home or themselves.
  • Femi Akpata-Jordan Marriage is not by force.
  • Onyebuchi Ikechukwu Ekwe Hmmm . . . You speak like someone who has been thoroughly mischievous and miserable. . . I could learn a lot from you, dear Alsu.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie why do people always think that personalising on another would get them free from providing their own facts? smile emoticon
  • Greg Ekhator We r designed & programmed to marry a partner we want to spend d rest of our lives with! The design hasn't changed, but d program suffers violence from many virus attacks!
  • Onyebuchi Ikechukwu Ekwe I have not personalized anything, Alsu. I merely stated the obvious.  smile emoticon
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie just a little light on the difference between being corrupt vs tempted. it takes a curupt Adult to tempt the daft youth.
  • Onyebuchi Ikechukwu Ekwe I think you lost me here. . . I get that you're the ''corrupt Adult'', but who is the daft youth?
  • Amaka Rea I think marriage can be a lot of fun if you're lucky to find ur soul mate? otherwise forget abourrit...it's just another form of societal enslavement,...
  • Avanrenren Tommy Curtis It is a matter of choice. One can co-inhibit without actually marriage.It is very possible to raise kids and live a comfortable life with his spouse. But the Nigeria society is the one that discuses other people's problem while sitting on their multitudinous problem.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Why should they decide not to marry?Alsu.u sure say their 'cabling' device(s) dey work.or they just want to make use of d device(s) without responsibility?.pls ask dem for me oo.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Esosa why do people stay single?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Okay.Alsu.deir cabling device is not working and dey won't want to be embarassed by tht.period!
  • Amaka Rea because their cabling device is not working, according to Esosa smile emoticon
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Thank u very much,Amaka.u dey feel me.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie http://todaysgist.blogspot.com/.../acid-bath-victim-chika... this is one of the reasons why this topic is relevant, cos men have bitten into their heads that a woman is a tool. i am yet to see a woman to simon courage to bath her man with acid. Esosa maybe everything starts and ends with sex with you but for some and a large number of singles sex isnt the problem.

    Chike Egbo, the 25-year-old student of Enugu State College of Education, who was bathed with acid by her...
  • Amaka Rea Alsu you're taking Esosa's comments seriously? lmao!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie my reason for asking this question is this i know alot of men and women who never got married cos they didnt meet their soul mate, someone they could trust, they grew up in polygamous homes and saw their mothers cry, boys hurting cos of their never present fathers, or seeing the numerous girlfriends their fathers carried, now presume thats what is a norm, do same and the more they did so the more lost they got. cos when you corrupt, you yourself have nothing to belive in. the hurt kids feel that marriage is a farce and rather than settling they preferred to stay put, single people are not promiscuous, youth may indulge in excessive self exploration, but not singles who are in their mid 30's to 50's for 2 simple reasons, those of us who do have a higer standard to life dont indulge having sex with anyone and everyone. they have been there they have done it, and with age and events putting one off your sexual appetite has gone down, for all those who carry gals and boys they probably those who never did it when they were young and now they are taking out the steam they couldn't. society paints singles as misfits, and have labeled many promiscuous. i made a bold decision at 22 to settle down rather than follow my 22 year old mates and got burnt, but that hasnt deterred me from being a mum, thats the only pride a woman has in marriage being a mum, men have taken away the dignity we women have as wives, and our kids see it, they ask questions and clearly sometimes i cant answer, going by what is happening in our society, wives even if they stay with their husbands are laughed at and called stupid to their face by mean spirited people (obviously the girls/guys who want them replaced with themselves), no matter how richeous a woman is the mirror is her husband, no matter how well dressed or how many times she flies abroad the stinker follows her, she is shamed in the society that she cant control her man by other women and men, they have made her responsible for the guy and i applaud those men and women for making a decision to stay alone rather than hurt someone or take dreams away. yes we have promiscuous women, but in my experience its the young boys who have marked me as full loaded and i am approached. i ask them why, they say cos there are no jobs, they forget or dont know that i work with youth and i understand all this troubles. young boys are heavily chasing older women it isnt even a joke anymore, if before one could say hm maybe i aint that bad after all, now you are targeted skilfully, boys have become gigolos, some cartels are training them to be slick, i remove them from the streets through training. if girls before were under siege, now its our boys, and the whole end to it is just one hour of counselling we need to get them out of it. they are the same boys who spread news on the streets that everyone and anyone is doing what they doing, they dont believe in the world anymore they hurt themselves.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Amaka.thank you.Alsu. it is the acid bath of man upon a woman that u are reporting hia i guess.but wht of the countless number of men being 'killed' psychologically be a woman's extreme possessiveness in marriage.Most of dem just slum and die due to emotional stress.but we are not able to access it becos of d covert nature of such untoward attitudes.Recently,it was annouced across midle eastern countries tht husband beating is on the increase becos d law seems to be silent about it.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie if the society dont force to marry we will have less of all this issues. as soon as one passes something as a law everyone becomes a criminal. Esosa you can yarn how ever you wish about anything. i take Esosa seriously not his comments.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Alsu.if u talk of tears in polygamous urban families.i might agree to an extent.But it is not same with polygamous farm families in our rural areas where family self sufficiency by d use of farm products at subsistence to feed d entire family.A rural woman is happy getting married to a prosperous farmer bcos d size of her portion is determined by the socioeconomic status of her husband.being her a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife.Pls it is one big happy family of a very prolific husband with his wives and children.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Amaka.pls my sister take my entire being and my comments seriously.thts why i also take her very seriously.she understands me so well.at times i think aloud.Hope dis Ekinadose is not my soulmate oo!
  • Amaka Rea i take you seriously but not your cabling device comments, whatever you mean by that. lol
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Esosa men are killing men psychologically, the women are  asking questions, if as a man you dont know yourself then even an innocent question drives you mad. i for one believe and always believed that men shouldn't be getting married at young age. best from 40 up, look at our Igbo brothers they make a pact with their lives. and once married they seldom opt out cos they know the responsibility of it. they may be as well promiscuous but you wouldn't find their kids uncared for. lets not go tribalistic on this but the bottom line for me is our society is deteriorating shit is swimming up that has been artfully hidden under cultural practices, we will son start having serial killers cos they are venting out on society, we probably already have some, the Aluu and the jungle justice is evidence that things are going down badly. and singles are not the problem they are in minority. the problem is the fact that we are being totaly lacadistical and ignorant to the purpose of marriage, it isnt a place to oppress no one just cos your parents didnt give you or took your dreams, and parenting is a skill everyone going into marriage must learn. better to remain single than lousy at marriage. we need to define parameters, rules of engagement. Family education, not social politics. i belgium the government goes as far to send a letter to a friend of mine reminding her that at 31 she is still single and will loose any benefits in tax reduction. is this not coercion? if this not wrong? is this not the same nonsense in similarity we do in our society?
  • Esosa Ovbiebo So Amaka.u nor know wetin cabling device or instrument mean? ok,wait.i will inbox u wht they mean.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Esosa you have been in calabar for too loong its time to goback to Uronigbe.
  • Esosa Ovbiebo But those Aluu three were from very stable family background.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie its the community that have become murderers. the boys probably were hooligans.

  • Esosa Ovbiebo hahaha...Alsu.i sure will.But d issue pertaining to yur friend in belgium stem 4rm how society looks at marriage.we believe tht wen some1 is of age nd not yet married,then,it is classical e.g of a life of irresponsibility.if i talk abt d impt of 'cabling' device(s) now,u will feel i am not serious.seriously society take note of issues on sexuality n sexual orientatn.an individual cannot live in isolation in a world of obvious social interactions.Bini parable says,"agbonayinma"(we live for pipo of d world)
  • Esosa Ovbiebo Alsu.dos guys were certified students of university of portharcourt.

  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie her reason for not settling down was cos the guy she was dating for 8 years didnt want to and not cos of her doing. she was more than ready but was inlove with him and couldnt jump from one to another. not every case you see with a lady being alone that has to do with her not being responsible. infact this lady is so responsible that it scares most guys who just want to jump in when they like.
  • Ami Angel we love to interfer

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