

If you look at the meaning of the name Rasputin it is either viewed as he who covets "detective" uncovers hidden truths, or corrupts. This is an opinion, as those whom the truth isn't convenient is labeled as corrupt, for those whom his skills brings favour is considered great.

Someone said that he was his own worst PR "ur enemy", well if he was fighting the ignorance of of his people yet had favour from the royal family for helping them out then I guess loads of people would feel that he had too much power "knowledge and experience".

I guess when people don't listen to advice their world gets shattered. To hear is different from listening. Following orders and understanding how to implement is different.

what does the new world order mean?
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  • Amaka Orazulike likes this.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie does anyone know how to recognise it? have they outlined the law just like the 10 commandments?
  • Kingsley Bayo Enadeghe For now NO but soon will be out,,,,,,,all is towards UN which is USA giving de orders!
  • Kingsley Bayo Enadeghe No we don't need but there is nothing any country can now,,everything has fallen in UN "USA" hand since de break of former USSR...
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie going by the fact that man is wanting so much security and approval he traps himself.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie every human wants so much power that it now rules him isnt that slavery already? now on the media they are painting every tom dick and harry black those who were formally prased are now enemies. people are so not constant in their wishes that sooner or later they loose balance and crash.
  • Kingsley Bayo Enadeghe We just need to keep going n believe it shall well
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie religeons over ages have traped and tried to create world orders to culture man that they have had to go to lengths to keep man safe. we are so used to being lied to and that starting from lack of clarity ie communication and find common grounds.
  • Ali Silvester Balarabe 'New World Order' or NWO is often used in conspiracy theories to describe a future with no nation states, where society is controlled by a secretive and powerful elite group of rulers. This elite group is often called the Illuminati, or 'enlightened' ones, by conspiracy theorists.
  • Ali Silvester Balarabe The conspiracy theorists fear that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that with a one-world government, more and more freedoms will be removed from the common people. Eg. Surveillance state, indefinite detention etc., some of which we are already witnessing.
  • Ali Silvester Balarabe Note that USA is not NWO, but the NWO may arise from what was the USA. Indeed they have their commandments too. One of them is to reduce the world population. Another is to have a world-language... Another is to have only one world government...
  • Agbon Jr @ali,society has been controlled by a secret and powerful elite from the begining of time.
    The illusion of democracy is whats falling off for people to realise that we have always had and will always have a one world govt.
    The more things change,the more they stay the same.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie isnt the world ruled by the enlightened already? the fact that the masses hide their creativity in the dark and live mediocre lives rather than expressing what is within themselves? there are 1164 members in this group, why are there just a few who project their opinions to matters, which will draw understanding of perspectives. 

    the bible could have been artfully designed to manipulate minds by a few men who assembled it! antichrist is so feered rater than explored that we have armed him more by running into our own dark holes. not understanding the scriptures, events and surrendering to the imagination of evil "fear" that has been created, fear is of the devil 'ignorant, unwilling mind to explore what scares him the most, he blabs without any thought, agenda to just cage a soul to have an impact in his own life. everyday they tell people to face their fears, but they sit and die in silence. 

    i state my perspective and that is where i leave them, i move on, if tomorrow it senses to have any good value i drop it like a bad habit and move on. we need to unlearn what we have learned to be dependant on. Nature has 4 seasons, it has a transition, cold or heat dosnt just appear we all see how it transcends. Global worming to me is a set of extreme events that dosnt allow growth. 

    if someone wants me to accept their reality who am i to say that it isnt true? if my child is scared i will belive him and find a way to get them out of what restricts them from standing up. i have seen parents who create that "boo hoo" bad guy to make the kids behave, and then later dont know how to remove that fear out of their kids. 

    what ever rule or law that restricts creation, individuality, inspires men to hurt each other, lack of openness and no clarity i consider evil "the work of fear". man seeks belonging and security yet isolates himself from people and experiences. mannerless "disciplined in methods of approach" respecting the boundaries that others have created to protect themselves and those they are responsible for" why are people protecting each other from each other. when man needed to survive against nature he created those walls not man again has brought infliction on himself by abusing the environment and nature.

    God does not barge into anyone, and that is thesame rule the devil does, no one can make you inferior without your consent, you invite fear, fear will rule you. people who are unable to just see things for what the world and their inner world is are never prepared for change, who dont communicate with their hearts and their neighbours. Christ didnt use mediums to touch people, he went to them, he participated in their lives, he helped. 

    an individuals inability to "seize the day" and live to his full potential. we are afraid to live in the light of who we truly are, we dont know how high we can because we dont even try, we are afraid of the shadows of others opinions and fears. we are manipulatable because we are afraid and discriminative to our seances. the other day on facebook there was a circulation of a post that says 'BEWARE LOL COMES FROM THE LUCIFER' the first thing that created a reaction was fear. we have been so made to believe Lucifer is bad that by mere mention of a good has another definition we get scared. we are afraid of habit because we haven't been able to control the good within us ie understand the meaning and what was its agenda. after all someone may have been irritated by seeing LOL everywhere where elaboration "expression of thought was replaced by all this abbreviations that are circulating. 

    everything has 2 sides just as equally as we fall so we rise, we live in a world that tells man that he is not capable because we cant be bothered to explain why. anyone that bothered to tell you it isnt possible, should bother to place an explanation. i dont take no for an answer.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie they are probably are secretive because we arnt open to change, so why open up if they will become targets. and manipulation comes to play when they truly believe in their minds that they are bringing good to people and we have seen this through history, where women and men were liched to new thought. one example is Jesus. for all it could be i could be one who someone may be targeting to kill cos they have what to benefit from keeping people ignorant of their strengths. today when actors are labeled as using satanic things to become successful, what is the HolyGost? Inspiration if i may ask.
  • Ali Silvester Balarabe ...and here are their 10 commandments:

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    ...See More
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie we are 6 billion now how have they acheived their goal? set people against each other?
  • Ali Silvester Balarabe (China is already doing that now)
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie i can understand the overpopulation and it needs control. my grand ma had 13 birth and only 3 have survived. now the bullshit i dont get is when they wage war without having any probable excuse. america goes and wipes now irak, israel is now cleansed, Nigeria is now under terrorists wanting to wage war, mass infecting of black south africans with aids, vietnam, how about the radioactive explosion in russia, nuler bomb of hiroshima. testing of hydrogen bombs in the atmosphere, now using soundwaves to create sunamies, they are targeting countries that have low development levels cos one cant prove anything there. this has started before u and i were born, it started from the times when governments couldnt handle the management of its people. kings will wage wars kill their people and then share the lands again. the russian revolution was sure a good thing. but the 2nd world war into russia was masterminded and people blinded to the truth and Hitler being the bad guy. i am starting to believe he is still alive somewhere.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie and this info is al over the net and Utube.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie no one is connecting the dots
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie
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