
Nature called change!

Many need to change to a new mindset in any relationship, steroidal thinking has resulted in our present times having hurtful separations, rich or not rich you need to pay the bills, but hey you don't need to live in a mansion if the only reason you acquired it is to put up a show! Today it is important that one has a dream, both men and women, and the definition of struggling is not about how much you don't have, it about how much have you done! Really we women don't care how much, we care about what! If riches was what was important to us the world will not be so over populated! A dream builds a communication bridge, even if the 2 Are doing 2 different things!

There is a distinction between relationship and marriage! But the story speaks of Ben's inability to rase his game, and he is using Kate to feel better about himself. It's a bit hard to judge, so i am stating hypothetically, but if Ben truly wanted to be with the love of his life he would have since divorced and moved on. What's the point in praying for a lost soul if it doesn't know it is lost. Until he realizes and best do something about his situation there is nothing madam can do! Unfortunately a large % of current marriages have this story at some point in time. This often happens when people marry young and the marriage has developed a monotonous turn! He will be back madam has to be patient, unfortunately Kate is only going to enjoy on short term!

As an individual i got stuck in dreams of others, yet haven't earned respect in return, i have leaved what is expected of me, what has been enforced by the systems plans of a structured society to create order within the chaos of times.

We are breaking in into a new era of awareness the 2012 storm. It is no longer a revolution of Ages but a revolution of an individual's dream . A greater leap of faith! embracing life with joy that it was built for you and me.

I build new years resolutions, yet feel short of achieving them! I have been born into a structure that has put timelines and by this has put pressure and insecurities that is now backfiring, fighting against the very being of nature called change!

When your dreams are not big enough, how can it accommodate change and circumstances! We all innately feel it is wrong yet we do not follow the voices of our hearts!

Most businesses today have a mission not vision"dream" that's why staff fall short of having a feeling of belonging, people are not motivated by money " man shall not leave by bread alone but by the word "voice" that cometh from the word of God "vision".

If you have a dream, you have to leave it to its full, regardless of what one may think, remember the business world is not about sexes, it's about their dream! If you feel that you are not connecting to the company and it's vision then you must move; make sure you have a dream to move into.

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