
The end of your individuality.

Relationships don’t have to signify the end of your individuality. People have this misconception that being committed to someone means that you’re done discovering the world & challenging your beliefs; that no more growth needs to take place.

But relationships can be continuation of who you already are — your beliefs, your passions, your habits, your creativity — & who you aspire to be. And it is in the joining of two people that you discover more about yourself with your chosen partner, together.

This is precisely why marriage is still working (albeit, slowing down as a social construct). People have a better understanding that matrimony doesn’t have to trigger the death of your distinctiveness, nor is it some boxed in formula.

Rather, marriage (or any committed relationship) can be an enhancement to the life you already have & the identity you wish to expound on, & it can be defined on your own terms (which is precisely why open, non-monogamous relationships are on the rise).

Commitment itself is comprised of heavy responsibility & sacred compromises.

How heavy those responsibilities & compromises are, however, is solely up to you.

Nothing “has to go” if you don’t want it to. You can still be your self & explore the intricate workings of your being within a committed relationship, especially (especially!) if you have a partner with the same ideals as you do.

There is a better way & it doesn’t have to end with a proverbial knife in the heart.

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