
Sia At The Party.

In my true nature of sharing stories i present to you a rough draft of a sitcom. hope you all enjoy the words and music. Sweet keeses.


Bob Flinch! (MR WESLEY)
A small slender man in his 30's who writes about politics, and does headline news!

Robert Right (ROBERT)
Pen pal is a 5ft black male In his 40's an entrepreneur who has a series of different business types as he doesn't like to be tied down by flimsy relationships and is looking for his special girl who can be his life and business partner, he doesn't want a woman in his life who only cooks and cleans and has babies, he isn't always straight forward as being in business has cultivated certain attributes that may be less flattering to being called sensitive. How ever he has hidden gentle heart but needs to learn how to handle a lady in disguise. He sets limits and forms structures which often triggers her need to break his beliefs with facts of her experiences. He sets boundaries, his mission is precisely to establish them while she breaks his traditional views. He represents the foundations upon which society is built, thus playing the role of its backbone. He is perfectly aware that no society can function without rules and laws; hence, he symbolises the Status Quo. Where our heroin is a Realists he comes across as traditional, He is very respectful of her as he perceives her to have greater experience and courage than his, as he is fully mindful of the aging process. He is renowned for his patience, discipline, and professionalism. In contrast he never has trouble keeping up with deadlines, as he is always very well organised and an extremely capable time manager. He will always choose the right path and follow it devotedly until he has attained his goal but often meets obstacles and calls her in those moments to seek a creative alternative. He is hard-working and ambitious, aspiring to create something that will stand the test of time, and he detests the idea of being financially dependent on others but doesn't mind taking care of someone or others but often he takes himself for granted.He often needs social recognition for his achievements, which –approached through the prism of psychology– usually touches upon his relationship with his father figure and authority figures in general.He does not express his feelings and often seems to consider sexuality a necessary evil. His guilt and strict self-imposed restrictions do not allow them to loosen up. Despite having a conservative mind, though, He is in need to transition from theory to practice, thus she providing the realism he lacks.

A woman in her 50's who writes about relationships and is for ever assuming SIA likes the boss, but is never able to catch the moment!

Rose White (SIA)
Character description: a happy go lucky Girl who tours the world and in each town she visits she finds an experience that teaches her a lesson! She leaves her life as she can afford to and always looks for a better way to turn around things for others and herself! She often meets characters and circumstances that reveals to her what the environment and what people are like! SIA is of a mixed cultural background which allows her to blend easily with others but her character is complex. She is deep but at the same time can be playful, she can't tell jokes but she is funny. She is often focused, emotionally sensitive, complex, determined, and charismatic and in moments when she is pissed or needs to achieve a goal at a task or teaching someone a lesson will exhibit less flattering characteristics such as being stubborn and even cruel during moments of extremity. She is 6ft tall, broad shouldered, not the average looking female when she wants to! She is a lady and a tramp when it suits to bring justice to an occasion or situation! She speaks Russian and English and aspires to learn French, Dutch and Spanish! She knows how to dance into a variety of music genres which includes Latin, Hiphop and ballroom styles, not to perfection but she sure can spin circles around guys she likes from time to time! Her home is a house painted in white and black colours on the outside and on the inside the decor is colourful and practical! She bought the house about 2 years prior. In an almost dilapidated state, but she takes the pain and pride in restoring every part of it by herself! It is her castle, her hiding place from the noise of the world but even then there are those moments when even there she can't hide and she takes off on her journeys of self and the worlds search! On occasion she pisses off the neighbours by playing her music loud, loves movies, eats healthy and cooks her own meals and on occasion takes herself out! She breaks and bends the socially held rules, cultural and religious beliefs. She seems to the public eye a rebel but keeps sacred values of love and friendship and can and will break them should the need arise! She is a heavy in stature gal and have always been. Shy that she has no usual standard looks for a model she tends to hide in a variety of ways! In moments she puts on traditional attires of countries she visited but most of all she preferred men styled suits for receptions as that accentuated and hid her self imposed image of herself and body! She finds it hard getting out of that mental picture with fashion and seeks her own style! She lives alone most of the time but often gets visited by friends who she at times journeys with and family members who seem always interested in how her personal life is! She often shrugs the idea of settling down but has her moments of passion and pain which fuels her writing and quests for the worlds mysteries! She is spiritual but not religious, she mixes with all in ease but sometimes departs in fierce passion, be it with friends or foes! Her life is a mixture of mysteries and fantasy, thrills and drama. She also possesses the ability to foresee events through dreams and flashes of visions happening as she makes her journeys! Most of the time she doesn't like to be dependent on anyone and saves! She is a freelancer and often has odd jobs that pay her basic bills but not for extravagant trips! She prefers to rough it out and from there she takes the experiences where she writes her stories from!

Mr Falcon (THE BOSS)
A white male in his 40's. Nice but tough, tall and cute!

hotel room
Entering or returning to her hotel room! A double bed, mirror, shower, table with a lamp!

Robert Rights apartment! 
He lives like a bachelor with mates even if he can afford his own but he doesn't like to!

an old abandoned space of warehouse that is utilised for prep and talent coordination for auditions! Which will be transformed into the fashion event! Here showcasing the setting up of the stage!

At the ball
Same warehouse but different setting, for change effect green screen is used to avoid needing prop equipments!

Airport 2
another town, her coming out. 

Airport 1
In her city. Usual Airport settings and process.

Job Office
An unusual News and Publishing station! Where TV and Paper information is coordinated! It has a 3 departments for TV, radio casting and the third the News paper editing department where SIA works!

Car hire agency 
Preferably Avis! She hires a car that was small and presumably cheep. Most of the time back at home she preferred to walk, as being an adventurous person that was part of her daily routines which allowed her to take pictures and make notes of events as well as loose those pounds she so wants! 

Hotel lobby
Meeting the receptionist and its process! She flys over and books a room at a hotel that wasn't of style to meet the standards of the friends of her friend. In her mind she came for work! He doesn't really mind the choices she makes as he had genuine respect for Her! This is their first time of meeting so he also is getting to see what she is like in real life! Escorting her to her room!

Her home is a house painted in white and black colours on the outside and on the inside the decor is colourful and practical! She bought the house about 2 years prior. In an almost dilapidated state, but she takes the pain and pride in restoring every part of it by herself! It is her castle, her hiding place from the noise of the world but even then there are those moments when even there she can't hide and she takes off on her journeys of self and the worlds search!

Night clubs
They went to 2 night clubs to scout for models and entertainment, DJ's and dancers for the fashion event.

Act 1 Scene 1- SIA's Home - Morning Hours!
EXT. SIA'S HOME - 08:00 AM
Getting ready for her usual adventurous day of finding clues to a variety of topics by the boss of the magazine she works for. On her home office table lay editions of the WHYNOT MAGAZINE /Newspaper with which she sometimes journeys and her cellphone laying next to her home LAN Line, and her Mac PC! Her laptop playing music on her bedroom table next to her just laid in bed. Her steaming hot lemon tea and a cigarette pack! She packs her usual gear, a fanny pack that hangs usually by the side of her hips and a rucksack filled with various tools of her trade but not limited to a camera and a notepad! In her bag one can find even a mouse trap as she often finds herself in the wild and woods! She gets an early morning phone call from her friend, inviting her for the 100th time to come over for a visit but this time not just for the sake of it but to help him setup a fashion show! After 3 years of being virtual real friends and after countless times saying no she said she would as it suited her job aim! 

(Her cell Phone rings. She looks down and her friends profile poops up! She hoped all was ok as she never got calls from him in the mornings! Her voice with a twinge of concern!)
Hi Robert, what can I do for you this early morning?

(He calls with a cheerful but business like voice, which put her to ease! Her body language by shoulders repositioning from initial upright to a much lower posture! )
Hello, I know you are not used to me calling you in the mornings but this is a business call! I know I have invited you a million times to come over for a grove but always get a no! I am beginning to wonder if you are running away from me?

(She smiles in reply! )
No, that's not the case, I just don't make trips to grove except when I have a job mission! I am beginning to think that you think that I don't have fun!

(He laughs)
Your kind of fun is hard, do you ever let loose?

(She replies)
Yes I do, someday you will see! So, to what do I owe this honour?

(He gets upright at his kitchen table and proceeds to explain!)
I have this entertainment event that I need to create for promoting my company and in need of fresh and creative ideas, which I know is on overflow with you! 

(She takes her cup of tea and heads on to her home office corner! )
Don't you have anyone there to help you out!

(He lays back from an upright position to a more relaxed position!)
Sincerely I don't because most of the people I know are in the Oil and Gas industry and creativity doesn't exist in their vocabulary!

(She nods!)
Ok, but I need to coordinate with my boss, so I can see if this can be placed on the next issue of the magazine/news paper or I wouldn't be able to have the space to execute! 

(With a serious tone he says)
I will pay for all your needs!

(She replies)
I know most business people are broke sometimes, so allow me to handle my basics, you spend what's needed for the event and at the end we will share in the profit! Kapish?

(He relaxes as she sure read his worry on not being able to pay her fee)
Kapish! I will wait for an email from you on when you would be ready!

Act 2 Scene 1- The Job Office!
She walks in to have a chat with her boss on the opportunity to write about the fashion and entertainment industry and events, the dialogue is not heard but body language is establishing the conversation! In the background 2 of her colleagues are focusing on what is going on in the office!

(Knocks at the door of the office.)
Good morning sir, may I come in?

(She looks from the corner of her desk)
Hey Wez! Look she is back again in his office, and they are talking really nice to each other!

(He looks at Woddy in a scornful way)
When you catch them in bed, I will cover the headlines! When will you stop spying on both of them. She keeps bringing in the jobs, while you sit and and biker about what isn't there!

Act 3 Scene 1- Coordinating Her Trip
SIA gets back home, sits at her Laptop and schedules her trip! She calls Robert to give him the news! 

(She picks up her cell phone and calls Robert!)
Good news, I will be there but all the content for publishing belongs to me only, no other news groups in town should have coverage! After we are done we can give them the rights for broadcasting what we give!

(He smiles at her business like approach by his usual remark when he hears her authoritative tone! She usually laughs and drops the phone!)
Yes Mam!

Act 4 Scene 1- At The Airport! 
No dialogue just scenes of her in the Que., siting and standing while waiting for the plane sending messages, that she is on the plane! Plane goes up, goes down!

Act 5 Scene 1- Arriving At The Airport!
Usual getting out of the airport building towards the car that is waiting, specially arranged prior as a special service not to waste time in the Avis office!

(Calls Robert)
Hey, I arrived and will be at your office by 2pm after I get through from my hotel!

(He sighs)
I could have picked you up at the airport at least!

(She smiles)
Then it wouldn't be a business trip!

(He puts his head to the right.)
I keep hoping someday you would be better at keeping friends!

(She laughs)
I prefer partnerships not friends! They can't handle my mind! Maybe you someday will understand why! See you soon! 

(He shakes his head.)
Maybe! See ya!

Act 6 Scene 1- At The Night Club
Being a journalist she knows how to attract people in the art and entertainment world who can showcase their talent! She agrees to help him with attracting the Models and entertainers while he handles the rest! They are in search for faces, DJ's and dancers among the youth! They approach and hand over the selected parties with Roberts Business cards! 

Act 7 Scene 1- At The Warehouse Setting Up For The Fashion Event!
During the course of her going through supporting his event she was surrounded by other friends of her pen pall who were partners as well as new acquaintances of his and since she didn't really know them and they her she was placed in positions where she was judged for literarily every action or words she said! After bottling it up for a while until her mission was over in making his event successful, she decided on the ball to teach and show everyone a lesson!

Act 8 Scene 1- Day Of Reckoning!
At the Ball! She donned herself in the finest suit that she had. She preferred to dress up on occasions to provoke curiosity and record the responses. She pulls up to the ball in a fancy car. She reached over, took a piece of meat and stuffed it in her shirt. She poked the next piece into her cummerbund. Then she jammed one into each pocket of her pants. All eyes were on Her as she gathered the long sleeves of her scarf and soaked them in the bowl of gravy. The stunned friend jumps to her feet and demanded, [Mam!] What is the meaning of your outrageous behavior?" He often referred to her as Mam during their moments of conversations as a way to enduringly draw her attention to her words and actions which amused him! Today he was mildly shocked to see her in action whereas before he often wondered if the stories of her adventures written or told by her were actually true! He knew she was working as a writer journalist for a Magazine/News paper called "WhyNot" and often was sent to places or into circumstances to analyse information or resolve problems! "Well," she said, "when you find yourself in a place where clothes are more welcome than the person wearing them, you must feed the clothes first and the person afterward!" Her friend: but what happened I don't understand what upset you so much? I had this ball in your honour and now I am beginning to ask if it was all for not! She responded: I appreciate greatly what you did for me but one day of fun can not erase the last week of torchere. I am not one to put a divide between friends but there is a line I draw when friends of friends can make me loose my dignity! With these words she turns around to the astounded crowd and says! "Enjoy the last supper!" She gives a hug to Her friend and proceeds to leave the ball!

(The stunned friend jumps to her feet and demanded.)
[Mam!] What is the meaning of your outrageous behavior?"

(With a stubborn cute look on her face! She looks down at him )
Well, when you find yourself in a place where clothes are more welcome than the person wearing them, you must feed the clothes first and the person afterward!"

(He looks up at her with a confused look on his face )
but what happened, I don't understand what upset you so much? I had this ball in your honour and now I am beginning to ask if it was all for not!

(She responds)
I appreciate greatly what you did for me but one day of fun can not erase the last week of torchere. I am not one to put a divide between friends but there is a line I draw when friends of friends can make me loose my dignity!

(With these words she turns around to the astounded crowd and says! She gives a hug to Her friend and proceeds to leave the ball! As the clock strikes 12 midnight and the fire works go off on clock work! )
"Enjoy the last supper!" 

Act 9 Scene 1- The Hotel Room.
On returning to her hotel she takes off her feast soaked suit, takes a shower; which often to her means "taking of the dirt of bad experiences! Relaxing In front of her computer proceeds to write about her learning from the experience. Her friend calls to ask if what happened to her would not affect their friendship! He has grown found of her over the years and now even more thrilled to know she is as crazy and real as he has grown to read about in her stories! No dialogue at first just music playing in he background showing her stern face at start and his apologetic response. Music that touches on aspect of friends and friendship building and resolutions! Their conversation lasts till sunrise where she heads out of the hotel and takes her flight home!

Now I understand why you stay away from people!

I don't, I'm just intolerant to bullshit!

Till our next adventure I guess?

That's if you can handle one of mine!

I have no choice mam!

(She laughs as usual to the phrase mam and as often she does she puts off her phone!)

Act 10 Scene 1- Sunrise
EXT. AIRPORT 2 - 5:00 AM
She takes off back home on a plane, a week later he is at the airport waiting for his flight on a business trip, he walks up to a news stand where magazines are sold, sees the WHYNOT Magazine with headline that attracts his gaze and he sits to read about her adventure where she addresses the issues in her current adventure!

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