
Like i give a hoot.

Do not push children or anyone to school or work, persuade them to learn. Some will still not understand what I mean.

Forcing anyone into anything does not yield sustainable results, people make better choices when informed and choose for themselves the channels. This leads me to explain why the format of past educational institutions are failing current demands.

Should an individual, before getting into a particular level of mental readiness be given a choice on how to pursue his or her career paths, they are likely to be dedicated as well as less emotional about turning points.

In example: if a student chooses willingly to be a "fireman", during consult they are informed of the information and skills required to become such. Their personal statement of why they want to become "firemen" should lead the consultant to show what tools are available and the student will see for him/herself what opportunities present themselves should they complete the course.

During the course of enrolment the student chooses what classification of information they would like to know about in respect to the professional direction. As much as those who know what should and shouldn't be, allow the person to make the first choice themselves and after the informative period is over the consultant informs on aspects that were left out and still needs to be addressed before graduating. This way the information that is given would gain acceptance. Today in classes most given information gets dismissed but could have been accepted as soon as a student satisfies their initial interest. Emotional blocks "distrust" towards governments is the reason why people reject any form of instruction, it's even worse with youth because many are disappointed in their parents mode of parenting and through the hurtful experiences in friendships and social interactions. Very few overcome these setbacks and some with time end up submitting to the pain "through it we form our prejudices." As much as it is said pain makes one grow, certain kinds of pains can cripple a soul or a nation."

Using this format removes the pressure of the student as he/she is led by their inner senses given options to choose for themselves their path. By dictating what one should do first or second the current educational system is preempting the opportunities for them to develop trends surveys that helps the technical and techniques world prepare for support, as well as preempting the student from being responsible for their choices. Yes in the old days structures were set and everyone who needed to make a living had no choice, today kids are demanding the change of attitude towards them, and the indicator is the rebelliousness towards society.

If you ask those who were then in leadership positions they would tell you about the disasters that resulted from having to monitor people who weren't there for the right reasons. Why I say this with outmost confidence is the health and safety policies and procedures. The harsh laws and governing procedures that exist today is because those at the helm of affairs could not guarantee dedication "attentiveness" of persons who were coming into the jobs or migrating to other territories for opportunities that weren't available in their homes and institutions.

This is why I refrain from making choices for anyone. I say, what ever the choice made by students I support. I as a consult have to push myself into anything and everything in order to be available when questions are asked. Yes I have the tools today to make basic research but there were also those days when all I had was my head and what I could touch to test if what comes to my mind can be proven. I hope this helps to understand what kind of restructuring is needed in the methods of implementation that is drawing the industries back in producing quality professionals and skilled persons as well as enabling a healthy competitive edge for economies.

Every child deserves respect and the rate of dropouts reduces when adults aren't there to serve themselves and their egos.

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