
Overstepped the border.

If there is something about scorpions is that we are not air headed which is what makes it hard for tricksters and insecure people to live with. Others insecurities has nothing to do with us and we run from it. We are capable of destroying who or that which traps us. The absence of fairness is what dominates within and when we find ourselves seeing a position where others are going to be compromised we tend to take that on ourselves. A lot of people who come across the  Scorpios tend to think we are brutal but eventually they get to realise we self distruct to protect others from what many don't know is happening around.

We are not made nor are we tolerant of wimsicle persons even if we cry, when we fall apart we rise from the ashes into phenixes.

Yes there are those who behave in a low life kind of way and even that to the well rounded Scorpio isn't strange. We are made of extreme views and ways that scares most but it's our lives we do that to never to others. Yes we are capable of revenge but that happens when some have overstepped the border.

Disciple comes not easy to many and it is very unfair to hurt someone because of envy, jealousy and pride.

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