
We are Sparta!

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Same it is with problems and solutions. everyone seems to be programmed to see obstacles rather than opportunities in everything. Wrong or right is in the results of actions affecting others; good or bad is in the intent. The intent of those who chose to put fear is to prevent one from acting or saying what ought to be said regardless of the consequences to self bearing in mind the needs of those who depend on you. The intent of fear is also to make one hopefully to think of consequences.
Acting upon "marking" consequences is what effects are. Underlining the risk factors of projecting strengths and weaknesses is the agent of survival instincts, it either has a positive or negative influence on someone or something. Ignorance and knowledge is a force.

Agent Smith: You're empty.
Neo: So are you.

who ever tries to make you weak with words is only applying psychological weaponry. If you know your strength, you know who or what you are dealing with, and the environment you are in then you are game to win.

however let your assessment not be rigid because everything has its ace beneath. Be accurate about the conditions of circumstances, assuming options of your target, prepare by marking the actions you will deploy as a process in your mind. Battles are won as you meet them, when prepared to take responsibility of a win and failure/lapses.

Mariam webster said: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
if only she knew how powerful the mind is which creates its realities, she wouldnt label it as a "false" in conception of causation. or did i misunderstand her definition?

a dejavu hmmmmm isnt it a picture of thoughts resulting from some experience, revelling sequential to be or not to be that you cant put a meaning until one applied force/resistance? one cause has so many effects; ripples of options to  any action/thought.

i believe that knowledge reveals itself as you go, i do not accept facts as given nor do i state facts as definite for all times. Today it is relevant but not the law or all times, tomorow it would be insignificant if it yields no fruit. There is a world within every spec/atom that hasnt been uncovered! Information is limited to experience or to a reoccurring measure of human emotions.

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