
Set fire to the rain.

Economies change because change is required. Nothing slows it down, its just shifts in market value systems and technical orientations. I make statements such as these because we all have stopped, stopped growing in our vision of ourselves, hence we can't reflect them in action. Many have become comfortable so the powers at be are shaking the earth beneath us. Definitely there is some facts on specifics but look at its global vision. Morals have disintegrated to finance, rather than connection. We feel good in possessions than creations! He made us in his own Image yet uniqueness is denied acceptance because of habitual perception. People are afraid to stand out for fear of being called weird. If you don't piss someone off you are clearly doing something wrong.

What bugs me is that we don't have more Africans standing up on a connective scale for business, and family values, because the foreign markets are waiting for a time when we will scream for help and we would give our resources for a piece of a mirror again. We are not transforming our minds and in return our environment never changes, whats there to even mention about true family values. When are we going to start telling our kids that standing out is the only way. Global climate in philosophical terms means CONNECT. We are so isolated from each other its not even funny, men and women need connectivity but on what grounds?

We women have been brought up to think our place is in the kitchen! Fine, due rights to the responsibilities of marriage. Let me ask the same men who say that with this statement “do you want to be proud of your kids achievements?" Don't turn their mother into a maid" most women today are bringing up kids alone, because men are earning the bread! If she has a mentality of a maid, your kids will aspire to mop the floors! A smart kid comes from a smart mother, even if she is a pain in the husbands ass.

I keep on meeting men at the "bored"room of life, who after 10 years in marriage are disappointed in it, because they can't make the mouse of a wife turn into a lioness and envious of those men who they previously criticised for having ambitious wives. We need to build our sisters by re-ignighting their dreams that was once there, but got lost in NeverLand. Nothing is impos-I- cant, knowledge is never lost it has to be rediscovered! Explore, Define, Project! You are what you create. You are not just worth what someone is willing to give you. You were born with the same brain and heart full ambition. If I am wrong then ask your dad why did he suffer to pay your school fees. He didn't give birth to you for his blood to drown in diapers. There is a point in your life when you need to devote to family, well thats the time you start preparing the kids and hubby to be independent not dependent on you, so you can leave your personal dream. Your daughters are looking for inspiration from you! Your sons will choose wives like you! You are their future by creating your future.

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