
I am not a trader/traitor.

There is no kidding that when it comes to being King Solomon war and sex goes hand in hand. After warring comes a rest "wink wink" hence he married so many wives to avert blood shed, and not because he had any affection for them, yet the ignorant take it as matting plenty wives is the sign of dignity, dignity my ass the poor guy was musrable with all the politics played in order to survive amidst greedy people.

Yes military campaigns if one looks in reverse order justify creating tech but do they think about the aftermath? Peoples unwillingness to assert themselves yet demanding for salvation end up finding themselves on battle fields, usually it's the peasants and rouges that find themselves on the fields and when they loose wars their leaders end up hung by the angry in defeat veterans. If women don't know how to speak men and sons and them in return end up in the grounds as Inglorious bastards spread the earth with tears.

I am sure the bush administration can't openly speak for the turmoil they caused in the gulf. Using religion as an excuse is low, saying that one was deceived into a fight is child's play for nations who claim to have advanced minds and technology. No one ever wins wars on others turf. check historical facts except that of Alexandr the Great. there were many factors including a divine force behind change.

I have a simple question can the mindset of a trader win negotiations with an entrepreneurial mind? What is the art of selling? I keep drumming that Africans predominantly are of a traders mentality and that reflects into the politics played hence to have visible progress is hard.

We don't produce we don't get to see avenues for implementation, it is as simple and as complicated as life itself. To be able to produce one needs experience and not just taken from outdated books but plodding the soul constantly.

I am not a trader even if I can sell I will die of boredom needless to mention my grey cells need constant stimulation.

The practice of farming, hunting, fishing helps best to simplify the points as a reference to production and fuels creativity. An entrepreneur is first and explorer before you can be an inventor. Surfing the waves constantly shuffling and reshuffling the old to reproduce, the quest for knowledge never ends, at least on my side.
Queen of Sheba.

I am done talking about the plight of the African Black woman, I don't even want to speak about what the white women go through as that would take a life time to relay the history of their fight against the oppressive nature of men who used the Bible and quoted it holly yet the ways of wicked minds assembled and interpreted it to be law over the human soul yet actions spoke louder who is who.

I spoke to a friend of mine today and I can't begin to explain the turmoil in her heart for being brought up to be good to others rather than being explained what the nature of an ignorant mind produces.

The Black african mothers and women were bread for wifery rather than pro life. Fathers breeding daughters for servitude rather than exposing them to a life of joy. It suits men who are looking for maids to keep their wives to serve their ego.

I am a happy adult because I as a girl was bad as my father allowed me to be good to myself with an understanding of keeping faith for hard times. I see a woman at 35 who can't seem to break out of the box for fear of loosing her social dignity yet she is dicing herself into pieces.

Black women hold their men yet feel empty inside. The current minimum wage placed for women who work expect ally those who have husbands who don't or are unwilling is terrible, increasing the wage wouldn't give that much difference as money is spent on things not necessarily aiding a lifestyle beyond the kitchen and malls.

Black women need to get out of the domicile mindset as that in return is hurting the atmosphere in the home as well as the bedroom. Get out go hiking, swimming, write or dance what ever it is spice up your lives and show a fuck you for Christmas attitude. Get your kids to friends or grand parents for a week or weekend to remember how it is to be young again. I heard a man ask his wife in a fight "what is she doing by sending kids away, and she replied to have a breather from all that has torn them apart." In the african mans mindset they can't fathom their women doing other things for their pleasure other than serving and servicing others while they themselves are grooving with God knows whom and what. Shame.

Corporate responsibility does not only revolve around helping youth but also making other companies aware of why their actions are affecting not just the physical environment but the minds of people and youth. Everything is allowed but what makes it wrong is the lack of understanding to what appropriation means; what's due when and how.

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