
Blind and then invisible.

The word Death represents a variety of meanings, one is a coded intention to be free, two; food if you remove the D at the beginning and H at the end. The third is obvious danger, should one not work one will starve.

People should start looking into the books of dreams that are on the shelf and bounce it's scripted meanings against their actions and thought processes.

How do girls/ladies in their teens and twenties manage relationship with men in their forties, fifties, sixties etc?
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  • Mudia David Osazuwa likes this.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie blind and then invisible lol
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie yah we learn to ignore the ghost of Christmas past.
  • Sosa Amadasu one talks, while the other listens..
  • Mudia David Osazuwa good question,i do wonder 2
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie if i am permitted to open up well, and if women are sincere to describe exactly how it feels and the shock of experiences, you will understand why many women dont remarry and some stay just to keep to themselves that feeling which keeps them alive and they are afraid that if they let go they will be lost to hate. we women are brought up to think that we belong to the one and only while men are thought to sow their outs. and there the rift is exactly. for many men a woman is a possession, and a woman is raised to look for her hero, and if she did believe he was because he convinced her through words, her pain becomes hell. men are from Mars women are from Venus. if only there was a way to explain it to a gal before she falls, we will probably have less bitterness in our hearts. our dads will never hurt us, but we are not told that other men are not like him.

    i blame myself for one thing, i love hard and deep thats the nature with which i was born, i cant do anything about it and i presume sometimes that the intensity with which i am sensitive to the person in my life i bear a lot, i keep silent when it hurts, i cry and beg to stop, but he thinks i was just pretending and he thinks he did nothing, and then one day just as hot i turn to ice. my personality type needs to be in its own shel because there is no middle ground to my passion. i rise and burn with same intensity, i am a moth that is attracted to the flame. passion is what sustains my energy. i know no middle ground, when i give and it is misused i shut down completely. i am unable to be the same, and probably sometimes none can give me same. if i promise my word is my bond and id rather die than break my word, but if abused i draw my sword.

    he searches for it now, i can see it in his face, i delight at his agony of loss, just as insensitive he was.

    going by personal experience, when you are young you think everything should be done together, now i do my thing if he needs advice i give, if he dosnt i face my front. i used to think i have a duty to contribute now i actually can hardly be bothered what he thinks or wants, or hopes. i prefer friendships now, its eiser to be at ease and see the human without being clouded by emotions, as soon as it gets any close to believing in words i run and so fast it almost looks like i was never there. i guess i had it bad. i now recollect when i had more heart towards relationships that an older lady said to me you are young thats why you bother, i couldn't understand then now i do. it will be hard to get convinced that men really care who you are except when it is convenient, and you walk in years feeling like a furniture. i dont regret cos of my intentions, i am very pained about it not working. i wasted 10 years of my youth. regardless of being divorced legaly or not, your passion for men as a sex dies, one should be hopeful not to loose passion for life because someone degraded your life to being a tool or just a furniture, not even a beautiful painting on the wall. i wonder myself why should one feel so much.

    its easier for men to remarry cos emotionally they never invest, and somehow i believe because thy give none they don't believe in someone having any of such. it takes alot of courage to be open, dont take anyone for granted, cos you never know where the grass was greener until u step on the other side, and its too late to turn back the tide.
  • Jeff Sob They give them a roller-coaster of a ride!
  • Ehighelua Ikhide Experience? It's going to be ok!
  • Mandy Okundaye Most of them do it for financial gain
  • Osayawe Ogieva It has to do with the availability of money.
  • Sutah Aliyu when money speaks who talks??, he who got the money makes the rules.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Prinsiples and Character speaks! I have seen and so have you when the glass house crumbles under stones Sutah!
  • James Clarke 1) Daddy complex?
    2) Financial incentives?
    3) Earlier prospects of a lucrative inheritance?

    I got nothin'
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie James sweetheart looool

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