

There is a difference between a head and a mind. One gives a head a blow job, a mind needs stimulation. I wonder who is excersizin their libidos by poking my Facebook instead on focusing on lining my Youtubes. 󾌩󾠣 how about the-tWits?

If i have to deal with racism from my own coloured/mixed race people then i guess we are all lost and will deal with stupidity brutally. I am a Nazi for emotional men.

Is the playing hard to get syndrome with ladies, still working it's magic on guy's of today?
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Jeff Sob A pleasant mornin to my sweet ladies, Alsu if men are hunters, women are what, the prized bush meat! Lovely lovee, ya say it depends, on what may I ask?
  • George Bayo Banjo Jeff i have no idea what you are talking about, never experience this "playing hard to get", must be the charm
  • Jeff Sob Ya telling me no lady's ever stretched your line!
  • Jeff Sob Ya must have swag, George!
  • Lovee Bitong my bro Jeffrey Sobotie: depends on who is hitting me hehehhehe! merry xmas!
  • James Clarke Dude, watch The Tao of Steve. As a married man, I've beaten the game that you're (apparently) still playing.
  • George Bayo Banjo Jeffrey Sobotie, why would a lady stretch me. The nice thing God did is he made so many of them, just move on
  • James Clarke As far as I'm concerned, no woman who hasn't committed herself to you is worth losing your dignity over. When you're single, maintain your dignity at all costs.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie James i aint a hard to get kinda gal, but a guy who has no manners will see the door shut. lets all keep our dignity until we learn how to curt each other.
  • James Clarke Having manners and being a pushover are two different things. 

    For example, if a girl is late for a date, any man with dignity should leave and not wait around for her. Especially if she hasn't given you the courtesy of calling him to tell him first. 
    That's not an issue of being polite. That's an issue of having self-respect. 

    Men ought to remember that dates are like job interviews. If either party shows up late for the interview, they don't get the job. If they screw up the interview, they don't get the job. There is no way I would give a second thought to hiring somebody who was late for, or obnoxious during, the interview. 

    It really goes the same way- how inclined are women to want to go on a date with a man who shows up late?
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie James our african brothers walk in into a gals life like they are Santa himself, i have a 23 yearold adopted daughter, here is a guy who has called her up fo a date etc they have been together for about 3 dates, one day i see her cry, i ask whats hapening she said he is tormenting her with jealous tactics. i waited for the guy next time and i openly told him, if he cant deal with having a gal in his life i would make sure she dates 5 guys at a time, cos i now he has 3 to 4 others he is dating at the same time. he stood infront of me looking and couldnt denay it, i spoke to his mum and the mum smiled and told me thank you.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie our guys have lost it, i was a had nut to crack i never gave a guy the impression he was the only one and god sent and they behaved. and hard to get aint about she dosnt show up for a date cos our men have created an environment where they have made a gal think that she is dispensable now our women are giving fire for fire and they dont like it, i hear too many men say they cant find a dicent gal, meanwhile they were the ones who painted the town red to start with.
  • James Clarke Then I guess they don't come just once a year, do they Alsu

    But seriously; there is, of course, a difference between been dignified and being a player. As I think you demonstrate, players can lose their dignity pretty damn quickly tongue emoticon
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie id rather be selabate and die alone than with std's. personally i dont feel sorry for players, we have decent guys, but too many Jack Nicholson's around. dont understand why the young lads think thats the image to follow. they dont know what it is to be cuddled by a woman who has 100% trust for an individual. so much warmth to get they throw it away, i aint super woman but i am the one who runs away all the time.
  • Jeff Sob Alsu, i sometimes wonder is your white nature, getting the best of ya!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie sometimes i wonder if you have forgotten your white side, dont make this about colour. manners is manners, dont bring in a culture that is messing with you and i. i have never denied either. this is the sort of low level talk i dont expect from you.
  • Emeriewen Efe Black or white has got nothing to do with principles, beleif and mind sets! Its a matter of what you have laid laid down to abide in. Untill someone can convince you otherwise. That which piss you off might turn the other on!
  • Greg Ekhator No!!! Too many ladies, per man ke!!
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie

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