
Dream Team vs All Stars Battle.

Point guarding usually revolves around watching steps people take in the business environment ie noticing what others miss for analytical purposes. Loopholes finding; in order to be innovative one has to see what others don't and supporting in finishing up, never letting go until the job is done.

Those who are the most underrated are those who end up being of more support should they be able to turn their minds around. How to deal with people who project negativity? Blocking is an assertive defence mechanism.

In a game where everyone is arrogant being humble enables one to be faster. What a strategy to be able to skit through between the dingos.

Looks like the Giants are at logs heads on codes, Facebook vs YouTube what's the formulae? Fighting for territories doesn't help neither.

Making comparison between the skills that develop in playing basketball vs. football. In football the concentration is more focused on the right now basis, concentrating a player to an antagonistic or a highly defensive mode of operandi in result towards life makes for a rough game and personality.

By always being focused on marking and keeping the ball on sight that limits the mind to being able to foresee what actions to take before a coalition or a shoot. In basketball the more one looks at the ball the more likely one is rated as a none performer, as foresight "long throws/futuristic projections" is in the measure of points one gets. Free throws, farther shots are always practiced in combination with offence tactics.

This wasn't said to underrate the game of football but one needs to be clear about what types of skill develops when one plays either of the sport In order for agents to have a better understanding of what type of support professionals in either or other sports need when it comes to having an afterlife success in sports or business to sustain themselves.

The terminologies used by commentators and coaches are indicators of what needs to be looked at. Rebound and free throws are among the numerous tactics used in dealing with situations.

Reason could be clouded by anger or lack of experience". experienced people are often if not always those who made a lot of mistakes but have rectified them so they are always armed with facts.

There are some who make deliberate mistakes to find out the truth in which they can draw facts from! So one needs to be careful in thinking that they don't know what they are doing!

In my understanding failure is an emotion by giving up! Some people presume that letting go means throwing things away, let me ask if one wants to fly would the weight of the past not hold one down? Life is meant to be lived and not living in others fears.

So often times knowledge can be drawn if people dont get personal. Would it be that people dont want to hear another's opinion because they are afraid their stand isnt based on solid grounds? or fear a situation that they may be transformed to a different kind of thinking and direction?

Our baseles expectations of others and lack of action to follow through is what creates our hurts! Ie if you want frienship you should be prepared to be a friend! Always a 2way street but not for the lasy!

There is a lot of truth in a joke! And some can't handle it clouded by their own emotions or agenda! A joke is a way to pass information that can't be said bluntly! I can't be bothered to feel sorry for steping on a foot that has been put in my way!

Yes we are living in a generation that can't laff because the previous generation has put landmines on the field!

I am 2 inches above 6ft u sure se u go manage gal kiss you from above :) A true scorpio that i am. I like you, you don't need to poke me.

My Guys in the office are asking for siting ducks lol, i asked them if they willing to pay the price they said we should brainstorm on that on board meeting.

Jokes lighten up the atmosphere.

We have adults who complain it changed their lives, its how the industry is i suppose. Kids do have a fragile span although they can run all day silly in the house and they get paid, if not often get a reward with a spank.

Why are people so unkind?
Fear that the next person will take what we really don't own. Parents are hardly kind to their own children, or others kids, most adults grow to be the same. There are many factors; the misinterpreted and misconstrued ideology of capitalism fused with democracy. People are communal and social creatures, religion has turned everyone into enemies because some monkeys interpreted it in their own way.

It baffles me that a kid brought up in the warmth of the mothers bosoms would turn into an animal, a smile is now questioned for its tenuity, a hug has been questioned for its purpose, loss of humour towards life, unwillingness to transform circumstances, everyone is threatened by another brand "personality". Rigidity and then we break.

In general stating:
What I said isn't about religeon! Its about the value system the person has adopted due to events that they have been through! Faith is a figurative word for value system! If someone has been manipulated, lied to, hurt they will adopt a certain phylosophy. For instance if I have been hurt by a man I will be likely to label every man as same, and make one pay the price "rebound" in effect if I don't releace myself from that pain no one will stand a chance to make it in my life and I will rub myself of a new begining. Everyone is responsible for themselves even if there is someone there!

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