
Cheeky tease or is it chikytita?

Who is to say who should be doing what and when? There are men that are physically smaller than some women does that mean he can't exchange his weaknesses for a ladies strength?

i mean are we still living in the old days where all that existed demanded actual physical effort to sustain life? I would presume a combination of information in the following links can give perspective on the explored topic below.

“The question of the family… is the question of what it means to be a man, and what it is necessary to do to be true men,” Benedict said.
The pope spoke of the “falseness” of gender theories and cited at length France’s chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim, who has spoken out against gay marriage.
“Bernheim has shown in a very detailed and profoundly moving study that the attack we are currently experiencing on the true structure of the family, made up of father, mother, and child, goes much deeper,” he said.
He cited feminist gender theorist Simone de Beauvoir’s view to the effect that one is not born a woman, but one becomes so — that sex was no longer an element of nature but a social role people chose for themselves.
“The profound falsehood of this theory and of the anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious,” he said.
The defence of the family, Benedict said, “is about man himself. And it becomes clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears.”
Pope Bennedict's view about the present day family, were do you stand?
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