
Depending on will.

Knowledge of characters strength; I don't believe in weaknesses of character as its susceptible to subjective judgement. One mans happiness is another's sad pill.

Cultural opportunities ; Again i don't believe in threats as its again a subjective opinion based on what one is willing to handle. The more the excitement/differences the better, as i got to learn more; my or your parents or society has nothing to do with my will.

Maturity- right of passage! the experience of seasons, down, up times and getting through them, the moods and swings of time develops character, of course depending in will.

The fear of losing is an emotion, the fact is, putting control systems and being the decision maker prevents loss. The only desider of assured marriage is the bond. Sex is the stepping stone, but it usually results in early babies, and babies need both parents to be mature if one is looking for adequate experiences as not every child is able to turn negative experiences into productive abilities. Yea sometimes babies save the life's of their parents by turning their lives from becoming rolling stones, but more often it tuns into a hellish environment for the kids growing up with kids as parents.

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