
There are no half way measures.

There are no half way measures in lifting and awakening hearts, minds and souls that have sunk. Africa is a titanic, spirits have been crushed, minds have been lied to, hearts have been murdered. Ever wondered why predominantly the colour of the sands in Africa is red?

Mud to be useful needs to be moulded and burnt under high temperature. Bedrocks need to be shaken into realising what life was and is all about, history is buried so deep in pain that to process it requires heavy talk, slavery had resulted in violence and self loathing. What does it take to lift up eyes that are firmly focused on the ground?

I often wondered why when I speak to the African youth they hide their eyes. To a white man when you look at them straight in the eye, they consider it confidence and there are those who get threatened by it. I have met violent twits for Caucasians who wished to tell me as a coloured that I have no right to sit where I chose and on principle I refused to get off a chosen seat even if I bought tickets to seat just a few seats away because I know the lies that they had painted over the years to tell me that they are more superior than my race. The African youth is told that they are useless and are made useless by underhanded methods both by persons within and from without so they submitted.

Does it take violence or stubbornness to keep the wicked at bay? Does it require in our times to fight the deep seated disdain for oppressive natured persons for ones life to breath? Or there is another way?

I hurt a lot for what I see done to the coloureds, I hurt a lot to see what the coloureds are doing to themselves. Is it worth it to be violently feared? Is it worth it to assert oneself through aggressiveness? I still wonder if it's worth it to purify oneself from the neglect shown to our race.

White men come to Africa use the black women, they bear the children and the children get sidelined as undesirables, then subjected to being criticised and scrutinised for what wasn't their choice or no given option at a time. What would it take for it to stop? Some say let the people go, some ask where to? The Jews went through this too and what did they do?

It is clear to me that it isn't a geographical place that makes for a people but the actions they take in asserting themselves out of jealousy and hate shown. A land is nothing without dreams, a soul is nothing without faith, a mind is nothing without aspirations, a body is nothing without care.

Nations that have suffered speak in tongs, a soul that has been battered speaks in tones.

There is joy in every craft, bringing out the essence of a piece of art or craft is essential to finding the labour in it, as well as beholding its secrets. Those who stand and look seldom can understand where to project from. Sitting an painting nails yet unwilling to get ones hands dirty is insane. One becomes dull when one sits in class yet has no experience. Into the wild I go cruising.

It helps to know who is of example for the coloured youth and what it takes to be a leader.

Revolutionary minds never succumb "sucking up to bullshit" in their lives. Everyone is unique, deserving of a life and prepared to help and support growth even if it may cost them their life or livelihood.

Jay Rowlings is raw and frank about what needs done and wasn't prepared to sit and watch, for that reason he is who he is.

On TV we are showing imbeciles for leaders who people don't see as tyrants "empty rants of men who loot their own" yet praise is given for fear of having ones own mind. Che is here.

When a nation is in ruin what's there to do? sit and pretend that one is from an affluent family? If people are poor the leaders are poor. What's there to hide? be slum-dog millioners? Who is fooling who?

Met with a number of fellow coloured men In SA who seem to bulk in the idea of enjoying the name of notoriety that the coloureds have, even if in their eyes the desire to swim out was evident, yet they wouldn't listen, as they submitted to the idea that that's how it will remain.

Calling people to consciousness of what submission on a personal level means is dangerous. It is cowardly to undermine oneself to accepting that change isn't possible. One told me that there are those within that wouldn't allow it as they are enjoying their position. Is that sort of orientation patronised by the crafty who hate their own for subjecting them to a life they hadn't made a choice to be born into?

Habits die hard. The terror that the average coloured goes through is hard to heal. Raising people out of darkness requires funds and there are those who instead of providing solutions give guns and drugs to pacify and injuring each other as a method of distracting from the real issues and reasons.

Sorry to say but when colonialists sent mercenaries "the undesirables" to other lands all that happened is they passed on the loathing to other nations. What good came out from sending prisoners to America & West Africa by the English, South Africa and Congo by the Dutch now hope to get something good in return to next generations? What were the African and Red Indian Chiefs thinking of by opening their mouths to a piece of glitter on a mirror? Is greed such a force that people can't see past their stomachs?

Anyone ever thought of what gorilla marketing is all about? try the revolutionary way without bloodshed even if it rings dongs in their heads. Talk crap or deeds and you have the reactions. There are always those who oppose new inventions or views. I'm out if my mind󾌩󾍁

Why was JFK murdered? Check the incident with the Cuban missiles, he was considered an indecisive leader who spoke of his country looking on to itself rather than patronising the warheads seeking to experiment their weapons on other lands. Why was pearl harbour bombed? to stop world war 3, the Japanese took the heat for the world. Hoover was a blood thirsty twerp.

When someone is betrayed its pretty hard to return to innocence. Should someone be in such a position its best to speak up, for the spirits roam around the earth seeking release. The truths of murdered leaders are hidden in facts by those who seek dominance thorough desperate means. Very few people know how to reconcile their differences so they result in violence or crafty ways.

Do or no do there is no try, is a very pregnant metaphor, Yoda to Luke sky walker.

The Siths always return for their share of the Republic, who will stand in opposition? Obi one?

Men look up to men who make decisive decisions yet a reactive leadership is futile to any cause.
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, would signify that watch those who draw the closest to you but never loose sight of those who pretend to be your enemy.

I am sorry but I live in a world of greedy men who put up a face of propriety yet behind my back speak not as friends. The hood may be rough but it feels safer, at least we all know who we are, Robbin of the hood.

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