
To the zoo. Dunking.

Went to the zoo today and to my mind came the film Chinese Zodiac, went round to look at the animals that was generally used in describing mine and my brothers characteristics of expression. His is the Petushok cock. Petushok Petushok shtosh ti molchish ale ti zayats prik Skok?
Nu pogodi volk, ti menya slishish?
Slishu Slishu Asisyai kino lubof tifa tifa. He gave me the family nickname Abuka cos he couldn't pronounce Alsu at 9months :) memories of us driving round town with dad to buy corn and swuya at nights.

My sign is that of the goat, I guess I pasteurise by running "power walk" like a spring bock, stress me I run to hide chasing waterfalls. Painting, writing, crafting on wood, embroidery, mosaics, music and dancing have always been my expressions.

Saw the Lemur identified the Frenchie  way, come on over tonight. We stroll along the allays of Paris to the Eiffel Tower "the ideals of lovemaking" ah just climbing the peak points before heading back to earth. Do the French know what love is? The French are known not to give too much attention to infidelities as far as they are concerned a leader who has no mistress is useless, well to each their own then and what happens next? Sarcasm the irony of life is in direct truths that separates hearts from the body, mind, and soul. Are we not compromised into believing that all that exists is basic instincts and necessities? Where is bond?

The Delicate nature of style and grace woven in sarcasm. The irony of life where children only play their part. Only believe all things are possible on the streets of Paris the dreams of  revolutionary minds.

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