
Retain passion for your goal!

Following advices! Why does it often not work? Its not that it is wrong, it is that it is incomplete!

There is something I have realised over the course of my little lived life and reasons for my mistakes!

Those who have experience and have the time to focus on you will tell you

Who, what, where, when and show you how!

And those who havnt gotten first hand experience, will tell you only either of one of the above questions, which is fuelled most often from either imaginary scenarios or separate facts that still need checking out!

In anything you do, get the dots connected on where, who, what, when and how! Connect the dots by making sense of the information given!

There is a difference between search and research! Search is easy, we get feedback always through  natures given senses which people refuse to develop in a rush but research is about analysing what you have and set a plan of execution!

An advice is often not followed because it touches on not full information "the basics of understanding what one is either asked or requested from a task"! Go the extra mile with someone if you bother to utter statements as advice! Or keep quiet if u don't have time!

Those who hide information don't often have it! Those who know often want to tell cos they know the value it will bring to you!

I never listen to vagueness and I don't folow words that are presented as advice if facts arnt presented and the advisor not willing to go the mile to assure that his statements arnt subjective!
Don't just read, study! question by asking questions.

Influence: Control Emotions to power your actions! Keep Focus to reach your goal! Emotions are only distractions; retain passion for your goal!

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