
Will I am, I Bone the tease.

There are no half way measures in lifting and awakening hearts, minds and souls that have sunk. Africa is a titanic, spirits have been crushed, minds have been lied to, hearts have been murdered. Ever wondered why predominantly the colour of the sands in Africa is red?

Mud to be useful needs to be moulded and burnt under high temperature. Bedrocks need to be shaken into realising what life was and is all about, history is buried so deep in pain that to process it requires heavy talk, slavery had resulted in violence and self loathing. What does it take to lift up eyes that are firmly focused on the ground?

I often wondered why when I speak to the African youth they hide their eyes. To a white man when you look at them straight in the eye they consider it confidence and there are those who get threatened by it. I have met violent twits for Caucasians who wished to tell me as a coloured that I have no right to sit where I chose and on principle I refused to get off a chosen seat even if I bought tickets to seat just a few away because I know the lies that they had painted over the years to tell me that they are more superior than my race. The African youth is told that they are useless and are made useless by underhanded methods both by persons within and from without so they submitted.

Does it take violence or stubbornness to keep the wicked at bay? Does it require in our times to fight the deep seated disdain for oppressive natured persons for ones life to breath? Or there is another way?

I hurt a lot for what I see done to the coloureds, I hurt a lot to see what the coloureds are doing to themselves. Is it worth it to be violently feared? Is it worth it to assert oneself through aggressiveness? I still wonder if it's worth it to purify oneself from the neglect shown to our race.

White men come to Africa use the black women they bear the children and the children get sidelined as undesirables, then subjected to being criticised and scrutinised for what wasn't their choice. What would it take for it to stop? Some say let the people go, some ask where to? The Jews went through this too and what did they do?

It is clear to me that it isn't a geographical place that makes for a people but the actions they take in asserting themselves out of jealousy and hate shown. A land is nothing without dreams, a soul is nothing without faith, a mind is nothing without hope/aspirations, a body is nothing without care.

Nations that have suffered speak in tongs, a soul that has been battered speaks in tones.

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