
Pride and Prejudice.

Manchester - a forceful drive; Arsenal - Pride in  action; Real Madrid - rid of thorns; Barcelona - standing firm; Chelsea - foresight through will; AC Milan - art in pursuit; Juventus - propelling  views; Liverpool - with courage; Bayem Munchen - response ability; Red Star Belgrade - challenge in tribulations;

Either you lead in following instructions or you follow your own rules! Either way you must learn to take a path!

If u have given up on hoping things will change, you will stop seeing what can change or what has changed!

There is nothing like bad news, its difficult news!

Education shows through communication and execution.
Every business has its policies, which has to do with processes on politics!

Just saw a poster while driving that said "don't stand out, stand above”. I beg to differ, I'd rather set an example for people to try reach! than jumping hurdles others set, but then out or Above can be taken either  negative or positive, the choice still remains you must act!

Build strength, don't focus on your weaknesses! Total waste of time aspiring to be perfect! Time will not allow you! Best if someone says He is good at that, than told he knows all but can't do anything! Jack of all trades and master of none makes money occasionally! A master has cashflow always! No one makes killer money ever! Its accumulated savings "investments" hat shows wealth!

Many actually relay on leaders for strength, and forget they are also people and have their moments! It is impossible to be strong, and sometimes to find or remember what strength is, one must embrace weak moments! Mind how u get addicted to things and ways! Life is like a heartbeat, what's down will go up and what's up will go down! Without night you wouldn't know the pleasures of the day!

Fear makes u loose focus!

Only through your trials do u discover who you are! Never run from events, meet them so you may shine! Run and you will be in shadows! have a Brave heart.

Funny quote! "While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery."

Trying trials! Luck works with trying! Success comes with trials!
Knowledge is often represented in what people believe in! Its either imaginery or factual! If you need to use it, check it!

Only trials reveal your strengths and those lapses that need polishing. Good times just help you relax your muscles before the next task ahead.

There are those who believe in you more than you in yourself! When someone says you can, you better believe them!

Is it about what you know or is it about how you see and use it? Your weakness isn't your technique! Don't try, Do! Your lack of confidence is what makes you fail!

If the world is round how come we trying to fit in a box? or are others trying to fix you in their box?

Its amazing how with all the wonders over time we behold, many still believe in impossible! As much as the Spirit is willing but the body is weak, Its only in Mind over matter! Minds Imagination, Over time Constraints, and Matters Experiences!

I get asked a lot "are you worried if you would get there?” I am more worried about not taking steps in reducing the risk of not getting there"

Everyone's job should be the journey, not questioning if you would or not!

The secrets of your past hide the treasures of your future! Rather than a roaring lion, become a soaring eagle! There is a lot in dreaming and aiming high!

The day we start thinking of the future is the day we start living in the present! Tomorrow never comes focusing on today alone!

Faith is taking the first step, even if you can't see the stair case! Martin Luther King!

The fact that there is a first step indicates that there is a last step! It don't matter how many steps to count, what matters is the fact that you are climbing it! Act!

No one likes to work because its called a job! Let's replace it with the word “ assion", pray for all eternity to have the Passion of christ!

You are given a chance to discover life so you can live it! Yesterday only matters so it doesn't repeat itself, or on choice to relive it!

Energy is only borrowed! You have to give it back, make sure it is oxygen!

You can not learn what you can not see! What doesn't catch your eye in the moment isn't meant for you! Don't regret about missed opportunities!

Challenge difficulty to have comfortable stability!

By letting others be who they want to be! you stand out in who you are! Only kids point fingers at others as an excuse not to do anything! Adults acknowledge others in themselves!

The only thing nature hasn't armed man with is the ability to produce raw physical resources, but sure we have the knowledge to transform minds in becoming resourceful!

Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. Shake things up today! Be You...Be Free...

How would your life be different if you stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the dayYou stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.

You have a dream? You gat to protect/defend it! Some people can't do it! They will tell you its impossible! Its only in their minds! Happiness, or success must be pursued, it is never handed over!

Your opponents are not those who push you, its those who stop you from growth! Just because you invite by anticipating pressure doesn't mean you are going towards the wrong direction! It takes pressure for a woman to push the baby out! Just because its painful doesn't mean its bad, you have a choice today to take painkillers! Pain/Pressure allows you to remember the steps taken to avert it happening next time, easy come easy goes!

The essence of a woman is her nature! You trash it she turns into a tornado! She absorbs until it is too late to turn back time! Man should learn to respect the power of nature! Its either destructive or supportive!

Territories without laws are unexplored opportunities! No one has rules in the jungle! Go plod your path if everywhere is tied in electric wires!

We are not afraid of our weaknesses, we are afraid of our strengths because we do not know them! We have been made to know more about where we have failed! To make a cake takes a mess of things but everyone likes to eat it! So is in starting a business we are the mess that created opportunities!

Merit is only evaluated through time! Potential is discovered through action!

Create to impress your your yourself and in return your colleagues!

Having expectations brings no happiness,
Not having expectations brings no joy either!
The trick lay in knowing where to place expectations in/on yourself! Don't try stopping a moving train, just hang on to it and your brain will do the rest!

Beating chests like gorillas doesn't win over the eyes of the tiger.

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