
Who is to say who is worthy?

Civil rights is a battle field of beliefs based on conceived socio-religious grounds. Who is to say who is worthy of being treated right vs who was treated wrongly? Considering the history of slavery one can pretty much say from a visual perspective of today's issues in society as regards colour differentiation and sexist prejudice that the seeds sown by ancestors had determined how the whites and blacks and coloured see themselves. What is civil behaviour? Should it be said that the whites hold supreme and would do everything to keep it that way through violence, lies, black mailing souls? Those who chose to have a gun/bill of rights should know how and when to use it. Should those who chose to resist the gun/bill of rights in standing their ground should also know how and when to use it in protecting themselves against abuse.

If going by the quote "a soldiers death is a tragedy to his family and a statistic to a country" it's obvious to say every man is for himself and God for us all, in retrospect this leaves every person in a defencive state just as those who perpetuated it. If there is no person or a group of persons who fight for individual rights just as for social order in order not to develop mayhem, acts will continue to rare their heads.

It is common knowledge that the world of men is driven by testosterone, which leaves little hope for safety both for the young and old. I am watching a film called the American history and I see that this isn't just the history of America but all societies possess same history. Sad to see man killing man in a world that has so much space for exploration and where every human being has the right to his or her own space. Unfortunately in order to survive and thrive people are forced to cluster regardless of colour, shape or size, the mentalities within is what makes for the issues and solutions that surface. Considering that  "males" have an issue in having peace with "females" on a basic level, what's there to say when differentiation on physical and status attributes adds to the boiling point for dispute.

Dispute resolution skills "tactics of managing minds/mentalities" is crucial for activists.

What is active? What is dominant in the minds of people and nations? Everyone has to eat but it is a choice of each person to determine the manner to which they survive as well as accept the consequences of their actions, in return give proper judgement of others behaviour.

As a child, woman and person my civil rights had been violated but it was my choice to decide how to respond at each phase of my life.

Going by the analysis of the film I see that even when one wants to change their situation or way there are also those who profit from keeping someone in a situation, the battle for my rights continues everyday as a person, supposed wife and mother, when will I have peace? I doubt if I ever will as the next jerks for policy makers are waiting in line to prove their worth over my existence.

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