
Up against Goliath.

Just because a woman has found herself and sits Into a position with ease does not mean everyone is such, people are born under different stars and calling and being judgmental about someone not being like someone doesn't justify driven attitudes. The more one forces anyone into a box that wasn't built by them the more the force of resistance.

Having no idea on what one wants out of life and choosing a partner for the sake of enriching oneself doesn't make anyone a loving spouse. One isn't the father and ones father isn't me as personalities and interests differ. It is mean what people do for the sake of keeping power through birthing offsprings. Who determines what child succeeds? Both the star under which one is born and their will to pursue their lives influences steps taken or to be taken, conditioning kids breaks their will.

I don't take to criticise other people's parents but if their kids are complaining about them and choose to leave I stand by them. Having a spouse who weeps about how his one parent or the other belittles ones effort prompts to find a way to bridge the gap of misunderstanding, however in trying to help one may find themselves as the enemy because certain insecurities are triggered. A parent who is a bully usually interferes in intimate affairs of a couple and undermines lives and livelihoods of children. When children are made week by the constant tog of war between the parents and they don't summon courage to separate themselves from constantly being threatened by withdrawing comforts that they had become accustomed to breaks their ability to think straight. It is written in the bible and again I can't recollect the exact passage but it says "should there come disaster/what ever that threatens life drop everything."

Having a cordial relationship with just one member of a spouses family or friends does not guarantee anything especially in family affairs and can fuel jealousy of other inlaws.

The amount of influence on kids is as a result of never being independent or demanding independence in thought and action from childhood. Very few kids have a strong personality or can stand up against Goliath.

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