
Sphere of practice.

Going by what I have experienced in communicating with people, the first line of approach is to choose the image of whom they wish to be, regardless of the sphere of practice. Knowing that children usually emulate any of their family members or persons to whom they had been close with, it would make sense to start that discuss. If parents are biased towards the choice their kids or desired person make; this is with the knowledge that most people are egomaniacs, we would understand why parenting goes bad; as bad advice results from there. Idolatry doesn't mean worshiping someone but worshiping without reason "analysis".

Some here may like to be like me but my question is; do you truly know me; meaning in terms of, can you sit and walk in my shoes? If I look up to people I usually watch them and the results of their actions. This doesn't mean that I would disregard someone if the results or image is bad, it's just that I would take from each strengths I think works for me and others in retrospect of presenting a reference, just as I do with movies and lyrics. We love films for certain parts that appeal to us, for some its more than just the visuals and it is the same when it comes to people, which is why I can hardly be bothered about what others say about someone who I am a friend to. If people have a problem with someone who I consider a friend they should go and meet that person and not me, it's what I call slander.

What ever project I am given I look for connecting points and work from there, nothing is bad or a waste, it's just set priorities for different purposes; time and available resources also play a big role but I save and store for later use. I certainly don't like cluster and it can be avoided by categorising.

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