

Film musical in development. interested parties are free to suggest elements. Право всем дано Igor Talkov


The most elaborate account of the queen's visit to Salomon is given in the 8th century. However that's not how kings and queens coordinate themselves!

   Act Adhering To Fathers Call.

The King of Sheba in Ethiopia calls in his Daughters "Berhane "My Light" and  Ehthun "A sister"

Ehthun is the eldest who sits on the throne as a representative and Berhane is the youngest daughter, both now at the age where he needs to think forward about organising all his children before he passed on!

(King walks in to his daughters rooms and sits with them at the table! They drinking tea with nan and humus!)
"Berhane, Ehthun. It's time I spoke to you both about state matters! I know that up till now I focused on training you to manage the affairs on social grounds and you both have succeeded! How ever now we are reaching a turning point and we need to change, not just the country but ourselves!

Our country is in need of protection. We have developed ourselves and could become targets for others. Our biggest threat is Judea the kingdom of Solomon!

I hear he has a knack for marrying different women as a way for building alliances! However that doesn't look attractive to me, as I can't waste my life focusing on managing myself amidst his wives!

Different men have different values. I know I have brought my kids to respect people regardless of their sex, which is why we have the peace we have. Unfortunately not every home shares the same values! It is hard for me as a father to ask this of you but I must. We need to protect our people and the hard work we have put in!

So what are you saying father that one of us needs to give herself to Solomon?

We need to be wise about this. To the outside world Ehthun is already known even if she isn't married, how ever you our Jewel no one knows except for our people! So the bride is you, and you need to study that Man for you to have any kind of peace with him! Remember what people want isn't what gets the job done!

I do trust you father, but we have to think of how to blend my heart with my mind!

I would leave you both to come up with a way to solve this task and trust just as how you manage the country you can manage one man! However remember he is a man like me! I don't want to know how, just tell me what you need!

   Act Sisters Left To Plan.

Berhane & Ehthun remain alone in the room! And discuss the plan.

I always thought I would be married for love but now I need to protect my person from being married off to an unwanted king who could use me as a tool!

you have always been the chosen one and have been in the shadows for too long. This is your last test In being able to rule. I am tired of being in the limelight while you work your brains out! I would step down for you anytime!

Sister we will always be together, side by side even if we are far away!

I love you too Berhane! Give him hell, so he appreciates our country, if you make it easy for him he will take us for granted.

you've been on the throne for too long dealing with men!

It comes with the territory. My heart breaks at the thought of not seeing you for a long time, your absence will also test me in managing what you have been doing for this long!

   Act- Sheba's Journey And Arrival!

Berhane riding through the desert while praying to God to guide her in achieving what seems impossible.

She rides on a camel amidst a trade caravan with goods as a maid to be unrecognised as a queen!

“Send your Delight in me father, for the earthly ways of man are not your ways.  May I be a delight in the man to whom you send me, may I be able to give him the desires of his heart.” I ask nothing from no one but giving grace and strength to my people. I am threading the paths of the earth seeking salvation in your light. I am sent as a sheep amidst wolfs, protect and guide me father!

   Act - Sheeba Seeing The Antiques Of The Mother

Sheeba is also seeing the antiques of the mother queen but keeps quiet as maids are not allowed to speak to the rulers! She takes notes of the life within the palace and by that analysing how she would go about attracting and retaining the attention of king Solomon when the time is right!

   Act- The Maiden Spy

Sheeba appears in his court. She pays Two young women to stage a fight for an infant and came to Solomon for a judgment. She wanted to see how Solomon would solve the first test! To see his method for dealing with social situations!

She smothered her child and took mine.

No that's my baby, that's my baby!

This child will be under the palace care until I come up with a solution.

   Act- Solomon In Disguise.

Solomon dressed as a trader comes out of the palace hidden door to the court and heads straight to a tavern where he sits beside his already waiting guards.

With the nod of his head he orders his female guard to steal a ring of a prostitute staging a fight of ownership !

The owner of the tavern comes out to solve the case by triggering a judgement that the ring be melted split amongst both, the owner of the ring said that the memory of the ring is more important and that the disguised guard takes it! At this moment the guard gives back the ring and leaves the stunned people at the tavern.

   Act- Judgement Of The Infants

After some deliberation, King Solomon called for a sword to be brought before him. He declared that there was only one fair solution: the live son must be split in two, each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the boy's true mother cried out, "Oh Lord, give the baby to her, just don't kill him!" The liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed, "It shall be neither mine nor yours—divide it!" Singing the song "don't divide the child"

(He declared!)
There is only one fair solution!

Guard! Bring me my sword! I will divide this child, since the women can't share in care for the child!

Oh Lord, give the baby to her, just don't kill him!" Singing the song "don't divide the child"

King Solomon, King Solomon, don't divide the child oh! I better go with out child oh!

(The liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed,)
It shall be neither mine nor yours divide it!

This is the true mother! as the true mother is a loving mother and would rather surrender her baby to another than hurt him. Give her the baby, send this woman to the dungeon!

King Solomon's judgment became known throughout all of Israel and was considered an example of profound wisdom.

   Act- Untitled Scene

She is unaware that the Queen of Sheeba had employed herself into his harem as a maid and sees all of the intrigues she sets! She helps all the wives in dealing with the queen mother. She gives solutions to the wives difficulties by that she remains untouched and gaining protection from the security guards of the queen mother!

   Act- Untitled Scene

The king declared the first mother as the true mother, as a true, loving mother would rather surrender her baby to another than hurt him, and gave her the baby. King Solomon's judgment became known throughout all of Israel and was considered an example of profound wisdom.

   Act- Untitled Scene

His mother is a wicked person who has no compassion left due to how she was treated by them when King David and her met. She was scorned for leaving her husband to be with King David and in return blindly keeps her son from being happy with any other woman but focus on trusting her alone to keep her influence, hence she advises him to marry so many wives in order to keep her authority over him by playing them against each other! But it seems that her games have lead to nothing but pain to her son and that she could not bear. She thought he enjoyed his lifestyle.

   Act- The Woman Behind Solomon

Sheeba getting to know who is the woman behind him "his mother" given the fact that he is known for marrying women with different backgrounds religiously and politically as alliances yet doesn't seem to have someone special in his life!

   Act- Untitled Scene

Then he goes to see his mother to ask her for advice on the matter and in the process he is also dealing with his childhood problems with his mother.

   Act- Untitled Scene

At this moment Sheeba decided to write him a letter of invitation referencing that she had heard of his wisdom and wishes to meet him! Her country is in need of technical advancement although in comparison to his country they are in relative peace but her population is growing and the women are beginning to feel the strain of underdevelopment! His country is abundant with works and plans but in social chaos and he has been marrying so many wives in the bid to get some leverage in sorting the problems, however they are distracted by the mothers antics and are forever advising him to beg different gods for help, this has a heavy burden on him as he is in conflict as that pulls him farther from God. He goes down on his knees and asks God to send him an angel for a wife who could help him find peace and solve the social issues growing worse!

   Act- Untitled Scene

He appears in her court to get to know her but ends up seeing the wrong woman. She is always in disguise, he mistakes her for her sister while Sheeba takes the place of a maiden and asks her people to keep it as a secret when he arrives. However he doesn't arrive as King Solomon but in his stead he places his trusted general while he pretends to be his horse man. the people protect their queen bee, they know that is him and put him through rigorous tasks around the castle!

   Act- Mothers Plots

It turns out that as soon as he gets attracted to a woman the mother sets plots to bring her down by creating misunderstandings between all the wives I.e having each spy on each other and Solomon meeting them in precarious situations that compromises them in his eyes. He doesn't seem to see who is playing behind the scenes until Sheeba reveals  it all to him when she was about to leave his castle!

   Act- Untitled Scene

She decides to test his wits and the truth in his heart for a future together on her grounds.  By triggering the queen mothers interest towards her when the mother for the seventh time decides to advice him into taking another wife. She slips in gossip about herself through the maid who is known to be close to the mother who helps her set plots amidst the wives!

   Act- Untitled Scene

King Solomon's state of affairs has visible progress but on a social level there are constant discords that arnt allowing him to focus on himself as well as growing further! The mother comes to Solomon and informs him that she has heard of a distant queen who has what he needs and that he should set himself on a journey to know who she is before he invited her over for a visit!

   Act- Meeting With The Mother.

David was the father of Solomon (whose mother was Bathsheba, the widow of Uria). The Mother queen tells Solomon about her and the father and an argument springs up between them.

why would you make me relive the life of my father." Why put me through the misery he was in?"

There was something gnawing at father in the pit of his stomach, an emptiness he could not describe, accompanied by periods of extreme depression. He was miserable, he looked like he lost himself. I never had the chance to know him as a man and in return do not know myself as a person. I am used as a tool and given no moment to be who I want to be. Constantly having to hide to know the truth in men's hearts. How about my heart?

Why do you call it misery? He finally found happiness, how ever I was scorned all my life between his wives and court members who preferred to use me and remove you from gaining the throne! I had to learn to play the game and lost myself in the process! I wish I could hold and be held like I once did your father. I am also alone!

Solomon "I didn't ask for it" I was a child and have seen all the intrigues and had lost my innocence in believing in women!" The pressure of that has made me into what I am not even if it favours my people! All is meaningless, meaningless as it has brought no joy and I am wasting my heart to worldly pressures to distract myself from feeling alone, all these wives with all their religions have taken me away from God, He who gave me peace in those dark moments! I need him back in my life, I need a woman who would love me despite being a king, who when I am alone would draw me into believing that the world isn't cold. My people fear me but they don't respect me. Look we have so many social issues and it reflects the turmoil within me. Have you forgotten that the heart of a nation is in connection with the leaders in it? God speaks through its leaders and when leaders are clogged then there is no prosperity. Having wives and gold in exchange for love and respect isn't worth it! I'd rather serve my people without it!

Mother: you don't need to bother about the people, you give them jobs in abundance yet they seem dissatisfied, people are like babies the more you give them the more they demand, make them think but if you can't, take the Queen of Sheeba for your last wife, I hear in her country there is peace. Go investigate the lands, get to know her and bring the knowledge home! To manage the headache that the current wives give you I have had to become a villan to keep them busy with each other and give you the break you need!

Son before you set out on the journey give them all tasks to see who truly cares for the land, when you come back rate all of them and choose one who you would settle down finally with!

   Act- Untitled Scene

While the general is discussing business propositions with Sheebas sister, king Solomon is trying to find out about the person behind Queen Sheeba and doesn't know he had been outsmarted!

   Act- Untitled Scene

He notices the maid cooking in the kitchen for a royal feast! He tries to play up with her but gets outwitted! He becomes more fund of the maid instead of focusing on the false Queen! Sheeba is getting to know him as a person without his regalia. He is fun and interesting. He likes her too as she isn't making it easy for him to tame her!

   Act- Untitled Scene

One night he corners her at the barn, pins her to the wall and sternly looked into her eyes.

as much as I enjoy the projection of male testosterone, I don't find it amusing that you think force makes the act pleasurable!

have you ever been held like a woman?

I don't know what you mean but I don't think this is how even a king would approach our queen!

really? Well she is a queen and that removes her from being approached as a woman! Her title comes before her person!

being her maiden in our state we treat maidens with same respect. Can't you see the reason for our peace? I can see that King is delicate with her and talks trade with her as an equal, but if he was talking to me he would order me around! It seems that were you come from there is t much respect to a person but their title!

our country is in a social dilemma and I could hope to find the way to help my people.

our country also has problems, we are technically unequipped! We live in a social way but it now needs to evolve!

I hope that our lords can find a way to communicate that to each other! But for now can we have a good time? Let them do their negotiations while we do ours! (He says with a smouldering look as he always did.

((Although she was dying to feel his kiss, she resisted the temptation and pulled away))
I don't think so!

   Act- Untitled Scene

3 days later all the negotiations ended, a formal invite was established for the Queen to come over for a visit! Solomon and his general head off and Solomon places a quick glance searching for his fair maiden who intrigued him more than the replaced queen, however his faithful general also grew found of Sheebas sister! As they go through the desert sands they discuss their interactions and both acknowledged that they are going to meet a real battle at apologising for impersonating each other!

   Act- Untitled Scene

Sheba arrives at Solomon's courtyard and this time in her true self! She enters the castle in grand style. Addresses the mother as needed and proceeds to walk up to Solomon who is clearly confused with what he sees although secretly happy that his maiden is a queen!

   Act- Untitled Scene

They both look into each other's eyes with genuine affection, and on both of their faces an acknowledged smile. In public they couldn't express their anger and love for each other. Solomon decides to apologise for his behaviour while demanding for hers in return but she refused which further infuriates him but he is overjoyed. How ever he doesn't know that he wasn't just outsmarted on her territory but on his as well.

   Act- Untitled Scene

The queen mother watches their looks at each other and feels something is amis! She ties to Sheeba her favourite maiden who she thought Sheeba doesn't know to spy on her. "One can never be too careful" she said.

   Act- Untitled Scene

Solomon proceeds to try and court Sheeba and see how he can lure her into his abode! Considering that they weren't officially married he couldn't summon himself into her bed! How ever he had the time to get her to see the country and there she helped his people understand the reasons for their social issues! She met a lot of resistance as his people were strongly opposed to change and interchange their socially established rules! However they also too heed to what she offered! Who was now left alone to herself was the mother who relentlessly tried to du due her to give her the respect she thought she deserved!

   Act 4 Scene 13- Untitled Scene

The confrontation between Sheeba and the Mother escalated to the point where it put Solomon between the choice to stand by his mother or Sheeba! He remains with his mother while she walks away!

   Act 4 Scene 14- Untitled Scene

On coming back home she meets with her father and siblings to discuss her adventure into the new world. She explains everything on the trade side but holds back when asked what does she think about marrying Solomon!

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