
Mamas boys.

Clearly anyone that knows me knows I am a daddy's girl however that definition is totally skewed in the minds of those who are mamas boys. My dad never caged me and he wasn't easy on me either. Never heard him author a word about you need to settle down hence for me to settle in a relationship wasn't hard. I had little expectations of men as I trusted the image my father represented as a man.

What I found hard to deal with in my past relationships was the mamas boys, for some reason I didnt understand then why I attracted guys who were possessive; constant need of my presence yet would take for granted after drawing me into their life. It's easy to label a gal who isn't built to wipe the asses of boys, take a rain check on yourselves; for those of my x's who are on my friends list, I will not ignore the fact that ya'll are reading what I write. Yes this is a slap to men and fathers who in the bid for self relevance oppress and label girls as bad because it's hard to accept that you had been holding on to your mamas skirts or accepted the notion of who a woman is from your fathers or the bitter experiences as children with parents and mothers.

Daddy's girls for sisters are even worst off they target their brothers homes. Pity that I have very little faith left in the institution of marriage where it has little to do with bond but a social display of insanity of the desperate housewives. Can't help being negative, I'd be damned if I take up to promote family names on my passport to whom have no respect for themselves.

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