
No if's, and's or but's!

Some siblings need to have a rain check on the bond they make with their siblings. Blood maybe thicker than water but value is more important than values. I love my brother but i don't just see him as my blood but as a man as well. In the case of when a sibling needs to grow up letting go of childhood is necessary. There are some very unhealthy normal looking families where bond becomes intimate. There is a reason why kids have different views to life because it is necessary to leave the nest. In a family where everyone is thought to look after one another interference can be detrimental to growth. Looking after can translate into possessiveness when someone doesn't have any other thing to do but just that.

It would be wonderful if at some point some level of realisation kicks-in in viewing family members. A mother is not just a mother but a woman and by circumstance a sister, a wife, an aunt just as a brother is a man and will become a husband, an uncle as well as a father is a man, brother, uncle to another. When these differentiation's are not outlined all sort of things start happening. For instance; in a case where the son stands up for his mother against his father never realising that that man is his mothers husband until the day he becomes a husband himself. Or a sister attacking her sister inlaw for her brother. My question is; is rivalry ever healthy? We all love to stand up against injustice where the strong stand up for the weak but within a group called family standing up for a sibling against a new family member may or if i would put it rightly always weakens the bond. Tell me if i fight my sister inlaw in the supposed bid to protect my brother does that not put him in a compromising position to himself? I don't fight family, i fight my brother as a man for his own good. When a sibling chooses a partner they choose for themselves and raring subjective opinions of family members only reveals their insecurities about their sibling.

Life does have a funny way of teaching us lessons and hopefully not in a cruel manner.

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