
Hold your heart, give a smile!

Women love hugs and kisses, men love the looks. You start barging them with how you feel, they will barge you for how you look, with age this may or may not change. Asking a guy or girl for commitment is wrong. Getting truly interested in one another without prejudice, that is commitment. A check list is only used for tasks not for men or women. If it feels right, it will look right and it will be right. Force is pressure.

It helps not to jump in bed with someone at first date if you don’t have a level head. Openly no one will support it and usually doesn’t lead to anything good. The world was created with passion, being calculative makes you a freak.

I look back at my dating years and in them I found memories of a guy I dreamed of and exalted in my dreams and not in reality. I walked myself up the wall with my imagination that I couldn't tell the difference between the guy I thought about from the guy he is, I was 19. 

The need to be wanted leads us to infatuate and that is dangerous. Needing to be wanted draws us to the wrong people. Don’t fall for nice gestures, find out first if it has more potential; hold your heart, give a smile. Listen to the words and expressions they use, as it is said "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh”. Get past the 1st 2 date’s you will HEAR the real person.

Pretending to be what you are not is dangerous, people will like you for who you are not. When you show the real you they run. You might as well let them go at start. If you don’t like yourself, change, its usually your attitude to life and yourself that makes people not want to be with you. Looks? Not everyone is superficial. You want to move to the next level? Don’t rush it, but don’t be slow either. Most guys are never ready as they are busy playing the dating game;  Seeking pleasure and not commitment.

Everyone wants a commitment, that gives a sense of responsibility. If you are checking someone out what does that say; are you the only one who is looking for the best? If you are looking for a trophy then you might as well be prepared to keep it on the shelf. You want to be a trophy, then just sit quietly placed on the shelf.

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