
Why are you who you are?

Sometimes i feel like i was born in the wrong times but then my imagination bridged the gap and to mention divine intervention made it real. My favourite era in history is the 1850s, the era of the Musketeers. I grew up reading and watching the tales of the Musketeers and their adventures captured my imagination. I went as far as i could in identifying some of my friends to be Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and i was always d'Artagnan! Honour, Friendship and Love are my swords. When ever i saw injustice i brought with me fairness. I love the world that i have built and never had a boring moment.

He who hath no sin cast the first stone implies; those who have no experience condemn those who hath for it scares them to see that it could also happen to them.

The down trowed are those who have been made to pay the price for being of service yet denied of a simple acknowledgement "knowing/realising the journeys worth" for taking the lashes off by forgiving  "sharing experiences" for others not to make the mistake of judging someone before they get to experience it for themselves.

“A rogue does not laugh in the same way that an honest man does; a hypocrite does not shed the tears of a man of good faith. All falsehood is a mask; and however well made the mask may be, with a little attention we may always succeed in distinguishing it from the true face.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers

One for all and all for one!

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