
The dilemma between the sexes!

In addressing personal issues I am prompted to not just outline a problem but also let you understand why you maybe in a situation and help you to avoid issues in future. Problems can't be avoided but they can be solved with more or less baggages for the future or worse become an inherited trait for future generations. The dilemma between the sexes have been from the beginning of existence, avoiding it is IMPOSICANT. But solving it is necessary for one to move on happily or sadly. Viewing relationships and life needs a broad understanding that is only possible after several happy or sad events in order to understand my topics.  There are experiences and lessons you must learn or else you are more likely to repeat them. Some you can and need to avoid, some you must go through to develop a sense of self.  Actions don't hurt, expectations do. Question on “why are men from Mars?” For me the answer is They just ARE!!! What you gona do about it? That is what I will ask YOU.
Some women make a decision not to deal with it by staying unmarried and be like Samantha from Sex and the City. Some desire to Explore it like Carrie Bradshaw. Some crave for it like Charlotte York and it may or may not work and for the Miranda's of this world it just happens because she isn't fixated on it. At the end of the day all have their happy days. We are all of these personalities at some point.

SO WHO ARE YOU? or if I may rightly ask "at what stage in your life are you at"? Until you find out who YOU ARE, YOU will always find yourself struggling, never getting a break through. Loose yourself to find yourself. Knowing who you are is the first step in what will give you the answer to your never ending questions about you or your relationships and  you may guess right the outcomes as soon as you venture into the new or may be able to  renew the old one! Imagine Men as Reactors. To the Type of gal that you are there are multitudes of reactions. As for men real women don’t choose for looks Its for personality, communication and mutual achievements. Don’t fool anyone by saying I want a woman to love me for whom I am. If you are lousy you will get a lousy partner or build a lousy relationship.

The only influencer to the human being is how they work with what is in front of them. Are they reactive or proactive? Also what tendency do you bring out in the person that is in front of you? As they say it takes 2 to tango. If you are the passive type you are likely to draw towards someone who has energy but in time it will overwhelm the person in your life to try bringing you out. We all think it is about woman and man, but the key is about personalities. Do you know how to spot a personality? that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.’ – (Cattell, 1965) Do you know the person well to predict how one will act?

Money is only a physical representation of your physical or mental will and as seeing is beleving you will only attract what you show. Don’t get me wrong looks are important but they’re not nearly as important on the long run as personality. There are also several ‘unsuccessful’ personality types  and by unsuccessful I mean that these types are not attractive to most people.

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