
Princess and the frog!

Why would a woman "Lawyer" who fell in love with a man "plumber" now try to make him become an engineer?

I am not too sure if in a family where both are doctors one is guaranteed happiness, however people have always been status conscious; given that in order to survive people somewhat need to network with each other it is presumed that having a partner worthy of being shown off provides a level of emotional security. Thats where it ends for me on its usefulness.

Careers have often cultured people into a particular manner of approaching life and where a lawyer can verbally express themselves eloquently plumbers aren't often given that credit. How ever surprisingly enough there are very well put plumbers who could give lawyers a run for their thong :). I would presume that if a lawyer did choose to be with a plumber that they ought to have noticed from start a potential, except the lawyer at the time was more interested in laying his or her own private pipes. My mind right now is questioning relationship vs marriage issues. Is one interested in personal happiness or the need to satisfy the pocket? Give to Caesar whats for Caesar and to God whats for God. Pursuing social status to the detriment of your personal happiness is up to anyone who chooses their own faith.

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